If you are in false labor, will the contractions show up on the non- stress test at the doctor? I was there a few hours ago and the said I am having contractions but sent me home since I'm not in too much pain yet. Btw I'm 33 weeks 5 days today.
I've been having contractions since July 3rd. I wouldn't worry about it unless they are very regular and very painful. Contraction will show up when monitored. Go home, put your feet up & drink lots of water. GL!
I was in l&d most the dat today being monitored and as long as you aren't having contractions and pressure down below where you'd be dilating you should be ok. They were most concerned about my cervix staying the same.
Off BC, NTNP since
June 2011
acupuncture/herbs July 2012
First BFP 9-8-2012,EDD
5-15-2013, heartbeat of 175 at 8w2d, mmc discovered on 10-26-12 (11w6d) Cytotec
on 10/26/12
8/23/13 DX with
Second BFP 9.12.13,
EDD 5.29.14, heartbeat of 114 at 6w1d, mmc discovered on 10-18-13, D&C on
10/23/13 (baby girl/Trisomy 10)
Third BFP (surprise at
Beta draw after d&c) on 1/10/14 (15dpo), EDD 9.20.14 Please be ourRAINBOW!
Yep, I've had bh contractions that the monitors picked up since 20 weeks with this and my last pregnancy. Baby boy came 2 days late last time despite 20+ weeks of contractions!
This is my second, I know Braxton hicks...... These contractions are more, I posted this at 5pm and it's been ten hours I'm cramped up a little more but the contractions are still steady. Last Tuesday I went into L&D and was there for 8 hours and they finally gave me procardia to stop the contractions which it did after two hours. Yesterday during the NST they gave me one dose of the steroids and I go back today for the other dose. If things are still the same and not changing I will get their opinion again.
Re: Active labor vs false labor??
Off BC, NTNP since June 2011
Started acupuncture/herbs July 2012
First BFP 9-8-2012,EDD 5-15-2013, heartbeat of 175 at 8w2d, mmc discovered on 10-26-12 (11w6d) Cytotec on 10/26/12
8/23/13 DX with non-IR PCOS
Second BFP 9.12.13, EDD 5.29.14, heartbeat of 114 at 6w1d, mmc discovered on 10-18-13, D&C on 10/23/13 (baby girl/Trisomy 10)
Third BFP (surprise at Beta draw after d&c) on 1/10/14 (15dpo), EDD 9.20.14 Please be our RAINBOW!