Hello all. Hope you are all feeling well! I'm 35 weeks tomorrow and am feeling extremely fidgety/restless. Wondering if any of you are experiencing the same thing? I don't know if is a sign that labor is right around the corner or just hormones...
Like PPs said, it's not really a sign of anything but anxiety. I think we're all to the point of being ready for our due dates to just hurry up and get here.
I know we've had a few Mommas deliver early, but just assume you are going to make it to your due date if not past it. Everyone feels signs of labor, but hang in there. You have a long way to go.
I'd say it was the exact opposite for me last time. I felt extremely calm before I went into labor and actually slept through the entire night for the first time in months.
You're probably restless/fidgety because you have a giant belly and a little person bopping around interfering with your sleep, walking and every motion you make basically. Not to worry, we are all eager to meet our spawns...5 weeks....
Re: Restlessness...sign of Labor?
labor is a sign of labor. you know, contractions and shit. and even then, it could be false labor, or pre-labor.
so, there you go.
Met: September 2005 Married: October 2008 DS: 09/2014
I'd say it was the exact opposite for me last time. I felt extremely calm before I went into labor and actually slept through the entire night for the first time in months.