September 2014 Moms

Yay! My breasts are leaking!

I might be totally odd. But when I noticed my breasts leaking this morning, I actually got excited. He really is on his way! And even though I have a perfect big round belly and he moves around a lot and I have all the symptoms, it really drove the point home that it won't be long before my Chunk is here :-)

Anyone else get excited, or was that just me...?

Re: Yay! My breasts are leaking!

  • Oh, I totally got excited! I was like "my body works!!"
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  • Still waiting for this!!!
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  • Hang in there, @Veganemily! It shocked the living hell out of me, had no idea it was coming on!
  • Still waiting for this!!!

    Don't worry about it. I've never leaked pre-baby
  • I never leaked before or after baby came and I have been BF for over 29 months. Don't worry if you don't leak!
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  • This pregnancy I've been leaking since 30w, with my first I never did. I was pretty excited about it <:-P
  • I've been having a lot of burning almost like let down...and last night I had a dream that I was literally spraying milk everywhere uncontrollably. It was awful! Lol! :)
  • I first experienced this on July 7th..I got so excited that I showed my DH and called my mom hahaha!!! :) 
  • Haha yup! Very exciting :)
  • I have never leaked until after baby was born and I'm ok with that! I had no issues bf dd until I had my gallbladder out and then she chose to stop so I'm guessing it changed a bunch of internal stuff and she was not happy with her new milk.
  • I didn't leak last time and successfully breast fed for 18 months. I am leaking this time and almost wish I wasn't ha ha.
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  • I've been leaking since may... my husband Daus he'll be mad if I end up with a low supply! Lol
  • I've noticed leakage that happens more at night since 28 weeks - eek!

    Off BC, NTNP since June 2011

    Started acupuncture/herbs July 2012 

    First BFP 9-8-2012,EDD 5-15-2013, heartbeat of 175 at 8w2d, mmc discovered on 10-26-12 (11w6d) Cytotec on 10/26/12

    8/23/13 DX with non-IR PCOS

    Second BFP 9.12.13, EDD 5.29.14, heartbeat of 114 at 6w1d, mmc discovered on 10-18-13, D&C on 10/23/13 (baby girl/Trisomy 10) 

    Third BFP (surprise at Beta draw after d&c) on 1/10/14 (15dpo), EDD 9.20.14 Please be our RAINBOW!

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  • AmandaR204AmandaR204 member
    edited August 2014
    When I was pregnant with DS, my mom bought me a breast pump and I tried it out oh idk 8 1/2 months, and I got cholestrum.....I was freaking out, not excited...I do believe I cried. Now I notice sometimes my nips are wet and I'm just like huh, oh ya the milk jugs are getting into gear.
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  • @Veganemily‌ some women never leak before baby come so don't worry if it doesn't come. Also, it took me a second to really read your name. I kept wanting to read it as vaginaemily lol


  • cls0602cls0602 member
    edited August 2014
    33 weeks here and still waiting! I will definitely be excited if it happens. I was a B pre pregnancy now I'm a D, so hopefully that's a good sign haha
  • Woke up in a milk puddle for the first time with this one night before last... wearing a borrowed shirt from DH that had a cow on it & said something about milkshakes pretty much on my boob. He's having a field day with it... Gotta just laugh with him.
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