September 2014 Moms

Hot & Humid

Does anyone have suggestions as to what I should dress my LO in at night?
It still stays in the low 80's with 70 something humidity at night. As i'm typing now i'm 
sitting in front of my beloved fan sweating. It's 82 F with 71% Humidity.  I don't have AC
but keep a fan running all day, windows are never closed.  Since i'm super hot all the time
I'm wondering what to dress him in so that he doesn't overheat. He is due in 3ish weeks....
Thanks for any help :)

Re: Hot & Humid

  • When it's warm I stick to either a onesie if baby is awake or a light receiving blanket if they are sleeping. Like mentioned above, just go by feel, and adjust accordingly.
  • Some babies need the layers, others will sweat through their clothes. Just make sure LO isn't wet with sweat! 
    I would love to keep my house at 70 and walk around in shorts and a t-shirt, but DH "freezes" when I put it on 75. Every one and every baby is slightly different!
    Didn't your mother teach you, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all." Let's all (me too) try to remember this. Thank you.

    Depression is ugly. Depression without meds is uglier. Robin Williams would agree with me.
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