September 2014 Moms

Saturday Ticker Change

Hope everyone has had a good couple weeks. We're almost there!

1) How many weeks are you/ how big is baby?

2) How are you feeling?

3) Any news/ upcoming appointments/ milestones?

4) GTKY: If you could change your job, what would you do instead?

Re: Saturday Ticker Change

  • 1) How many weeks are you/ how big is baby? 36 weeks!

    2) How are you feeling? Feeling pretty good, just the usual pregnancy pains.

    3) Any news/ upcoming appointments/ milestones? Just had my GBS test done and will start internals at 38 weeks.

    4) GTKY: If you could change your job, what would you do instead? I always wanted to be a counselor of some sort that way I could help people like others have helped me in the past.
  • 1. 36 weeks
    2. Pretty good, better than this point in my last pregnancy. My ribs are killing me, especially at night when I am laying down. Hoping this baby drops soon!
    3. 36 week check up and GBS test on Monday
    4. I'm a SAHM now. If I were to go back to work, I'd go back to doing taxes, which I actually love. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Thanks for this @braybee‌! I am drowning in basement renovations over here

    35 weeks, allegedly a coconut.

    Feeling ok, more and more tired every day.

    This past week I started my weekly appts, growth scans, and NST's. This week's appt is Wednesday.

    Someday I want to sah. If I have to work, I'll stick with what I'm doing (teaching hs history) because I honestly love it :)


  • 1) 34 weeks (had preterm labor at 32 so I'm happy I made it this far)

    2) pretty terrible between all the contractions and heartburn

    3) weekly appointments for internals assuming I don't go into labor again first

    4) I'd love to be a SAHM but I make more than DH by a good amount so we just can't justify it right now.
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