Yesterday at work they spilled a huge drum of some chemical. I must have had an allergic reaction to it because I couldn't stop sneezing and my throat was itching. Left early and baby girl was moving all day so I know she was ok. Feeling much better today. Next week is my last week of work!
I need to stop dreaming about work. I don't even remember what last night's was about. All I know is I woke up with thoughts of the North Carolina DMV stuck in my head. NC isn't even one of my problem states, so I have no idea why it stuck out.
^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^
Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.
This weekend will be my last two days of work before DD arrives! I am so excited to get to stay home to rest, nest, and spend time with DS before DD gets here!
The closer we all get the more nervous, giddy, excited I get to meet all our babies!
I keep touching my belly asking little girl if she's grown and trying to do the math of how much she needs to grow by Monday. I'm failing miserably at staying calm. Even H is nervous and I haven't seem him like that in a long time.
At least the storm is gone my island barely got any rain but the big island is trashed. I'm very thankful that part one of the storm fell apart and it looks like Hurricane Julio is going north.
@mambonumber5, I hope your LO grows before you next scan on Monday. I can't remember, but did you post with how tiny she is? Do they suspect IUGR? I hope she grows and you can put your mind at ease!
Since the title is weekend random, this is going to be totally random. My dd was watching a cartoon this morning and a commercial came on. Let me just say oh my goodness! It is called janimals, and I had to watch it and just say seriously. It is a stuffed animal that turns into pajamas. For only $29.95 plus shipping and handling of course. It is for age 5 to 105, and they are encouraging kids and adults to wear them to the mall and out and about. (Shaking my head) There's the website, the bump isn't letting me attach a picture. The first adult I see wearing these not on Halloween will seriously be getting a side eye from me, even if they are 105.
H is taking his kids back to NC. While I'm sad they are gone.... I'm now in 100 % nesting mode. I feel like that was the last thing to check off until baby. Ahhhhh!
Dad (retired carpenter) is finishing up Eliza's closet while mom and I wash baby clothes and put together the swing etc. Then organizing the closet.
While I love my mom is here helping, she's driving me crazy with "I'd do it this way"s, well, I'm doing it different... Deal with it. /rant
So someone hijacked our cc number last week and we've been waiting of new cards so we could make the rest of our purchases (I rarely use my debit card for this very reason!!!) for baby. I'm still in denial about how soon we're going to be in charge of a tiny human!!!! eek!!!
We essentially have everything done that is 'necessary' for baby. So it's just a waiting game and me procrastinating the 'nice to have done before baby' tasks. So I think today is just going to be a relax and do nothing day! Maybe curl up with a book and read before I no longer have time to read!
I started to clean an area of our room for the bassinet and ended up doing a top to bottom clean up of our room including painting walls. Full on nesting mode this weekend I guess. At least the Goodwill will be pleased.
The internets are making me grumpy today. I'm looking for a baseball jersey or t-shirt to wear to my baby shower. Tampa Bay Rays and pink. Apparently, this does not actually exist. And when I try to search for generic pink baseball maternity shirts, every other search result is someone's fucking Pinterest!!! I'm sorry, I know people love that site, but I really have no freaking clue what it is or what it's for, nor do I really care, and when I'm actively trying to buy something, I could not care less what some random internet person thinks is cool. Makes me want to go back to Korea where I can get anything I want made for cheap in about a week. This would probably fit better on the Monday Bitchfest, but it's pissing me off today, so that can't be helped. Sorry.
I was able to order my breast pump AND got my Amazon registry completion discount code, which must mean there are less than 30 days until my due date. Shit just got real.
So just a quick update about DH's grandmother. I mentioned in the Food for Shower thread that she'd been in the hospital and they were looking for a nursing home.
Well, she was in the hospital for a stomach bug and having trouble with her feet/legs. Lately, her feet and calves had been bothering her and they thought it was b/c her shoes were too big and she was constantly scrunching her toes to keep them on. Since she has Alzheimer's, she'd sit down and the pain would go away...and she'd forget that she was in pain until she got up to walk again. Well...they put her in a wheel chair and wanted her to go for physical therapy. MIL planned to put her in a nursing home until she was mobile again...but now, the memory impaired facility that she was staying at is telling MIL that grandma can't go back. She's lost her room and DH and FIL went this morning to move all her personal belongings and furniture out of the room. Even if she regains mobility, she cannot go back.
Now, after the hospital telling MIL that grandma would get physical therapy, the nursing home is saying that they want to just keep her in the wheel chair and won't be helping her get mobile again. MIL is super frustrated with the memory facility for essentially kicking grandma out and with the nursing home for the financial mess and refusing physical therapy. I'm so angry with the memory facility...this woman has Alzheimer's and needs special care. Do they really think that a nursing home will be able to help her out??? I'm so worried that she'll just deteriorate and get lost within herself without all the special programs and individualized care...and neither facility seems to recognize that!
I'm not sure which home she's in...but I do have a friend who works as an LPN in one of the homes and I'm REALLY hoping that grandma has ended up there. I know my friend would be able to help us look out for her and stimulate her brain...and it would help ease my MIL's frustrations.
Ugh, thanks for reading. The situation just seems to get crappier and crappier. I'd love for grandma to meet our little munchkin...but I'm not willing to bring her into a nursing home. Pneumonia runs rampant in those facilities and I don't want to take that chance. Grandma keeps asking MIL if she has any grandchildren yet and she gets so excited when MIL says that there's one on the way. She really is a special lady and I'm just hoping that this experience doesn't take her away from DH's family. She was doing so well at the memory facility and was even starting to recognize MIL every time she visited....which was huge.
And now, looking at FB, an old coworker just posted a picture of her positive pregnancy test. That makes me so ragey. I wonder if she waited until the piss dried. Not to mention that she always complained about not having enough money to give her son a comfortable life...but she always had the money to spend on tattoos and jewelry. That's great. Bring another child into the world...I'm sure he/she can thrive on just love.
{Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
{DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
The internets are making me grumpy today. I'm looking for a baseball jersey or t-shirt to wear to my baby shower. Tampa Bay Rays and pink. Apparently, this does not actually exist. And when I try to search for generic pink baseball maternity shirts, every other search result is someone's fucking Pinterest!!! I'm sorry, I know people love that site, but I really have no freaking clue what it is or what it's for, nor do I really care, and when I'm actively trying to buy something, I could not care less what some random internet person thinks is cool. Makes me want to go back to Korea where I can get anything I want made for cheap in about a week. This would probably fit better on the Monday Bitchfest, but it's pissing me off today, so that can't be helped. Sorry.
Are you in Tampa? I've seen a bunch of pink Rays tshirts (and onesies!!!) at both Target and Walmart. Bealles too. Good luck!
Thanks, unfortunately I'm up in the People's Republic of Maryland where it's all Nationals and Orioles (blech!) Oh how I miss Bealle's...that store is awesome!!!
I had 5 sessions, 4 were newborns, this week, which is highly abnormal . . . and DH has been camping in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, so completely without any communication. Of course my exhaustion hit epic proportions this week and I can't wait until he's home!
I can't believe how much I want Chipotle! For the last 12 years there's been one within 5 miles. Now the closest one is over 70 miles away and I'm going through withdrawal.
Just booked tickets to Disneyland in November! Someone tell me I'm not crazy for bringing a SN 3 year old and a 2 month old to Disneyland...
It will be awesome. Bring a note from DS 3's doctors explaining his SN and see what guest services can do for you. Have fun!
Oh yes this! You stop at city hall in either Disney or CA and they will give you a special assistance pass. Make sure you have something with a diagnosis on it and they ask a few questions. It will let you basically check into a ride but you won't have to wait in a long line and can go get dinner or ride something with a shorter line and be back at a certain time to ride. Works a lot like the fast passes but you talk to someone to start it for each ride. We took my kids, including ds with asd, and I had this pass but he did so well I didn't need to use it. Was nice for a just in case we have a meltdown situation.
@brittneyandadam I'm sorry about your family's struggle. My grandmother also passed due to Alzheimers related complications. She finally fell and hurt herself and at that point it was unsafe for her to be be home and my grandfather was too old to care for her. They put her in a facility and she lasted a couple of months maybe? She had a couple of lucid days but nothing substantial. They did physical therapy for a while, but it got to the point where even that was unsafe, she just straight would forget how to walk and use the walker.
Boring Saturday afternoon. DH is cutting the grass. The good mom in me decides to make homemade playdough for DD. There is flour all over the kitchen, a messed up batch in the trash, and all the salt in the house is gone.
DD's verdict? Boooooring. GAH! Some days I get so tempted to just turn the TV on all day and be done with it.
Just booked tickets to Disneyland in November! Someone tell me I'm not crazy for bringing a SN 3 year old and a 2 month old to Disneyland...
Are you staying on site or close by. We stayed at the howard Johnson our first time very convenient and close to take a nap and break for evening stuff. We got passes this year so are hoping to go for Halloween
I had my baby shower today. I am feeling soo grateful and overwhelmed by all of our family/friends generosity. Now I am ready to be able to finish buying stuff for LO. DH wouldn't let me buy much until after today so I am excited to get our nursery started!
Me 29 DH 30 Unexplained IF TTC since wedding May 2012. IUI #1 11/5/13-BFN. IUI #2 12/5/13-BFN. IUI #3-12/30/14. All three with Femara CD 3-7 and Ovidrel trigger. +HPT 1/13/14 First +ever!!! Beta #1 195 Beta #2 1/15-533. Ultrasound on 2/4 showed one bean. EDD 9/22/14. Team Green turned Team Blue-Baby Conner arrived on 9/19/14.
Went to the biggest car show of the year today. 3+ hours walking in the sun and heat, and I am beat. Resting and eating now. Tomorrow we put the crib together!
^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^
Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.
I've been craving spicy food ever since I got pregnant and before I hated spicy food. If I make DH take me for Mexican or Wings again he might flip out ( with good reason since it turns into heartburn from hell)
Just booked tickets to Disneyland in November! Someone tell me I'm not crazy for bringing a SN 3 year old and a 2 month old to Disneyland...
Are you staying on site or close by. We stayed at the howard Johnson our first time very convenient and close to take a nap and break for evening stuff. We got passes this year so are hoping to go for Halloween
We haven't actually booked a hotel yet. My parents decided to come with us so now we're trying to compromise. I want something close and kid friendly, and they want something a bit nicer. We may end up renting a condo or something since we're renting a car anyway.
Just booked tickets to Disneyland in November! Someone tell me I'm not crazy for bringing a SN 3 year old and a 2 month old to Disneyland...
Are you staying on site or close by. We stayed at the howard Johnson our first time very convenient and close to take a nap and break for evening stuff. We got passes this year so are hoping to go for Halloween
We haven't actually booked a hotel yet. My parents decided to come with us so now we're trying to compromise. I want something close and kid friendly, and they want something a bit nicer. We may end up renting a condo or something since we're renting a car anyway.
---quote fail---
We stayed at the park vue inn when we went in March. It was reasonable with a pool and hot tub. The rooms aren't anything fancy but some have the option of bunk bed and it was clean! It is literally right at the end of the disneyland drive way. We walked back and forth several times a day. They also have a continental breakfast that was beyond any free hotel breakfast I have ever seen. Everyday they had different meals from biscuits and gravy to scrambled eggs and home fries to waffles and fresh fruit. Definitely a bonus to any hotel!
I made a local pizza place make me eggplant parmesan pizza. They have a chicken parmesan pizza on the menu that sounded good but I've been unable to really eat chicken this pregnancy. It was delicious.
We FINALLY got DH a car after his was totaled over 2 weeks ago. I'm so so so relieved it all worked out. The dealership we bought it from had a 5 day return policy and we ALMOST returned it as we discovered some parts needed replacement which totaled over $900. We loved the car and were super sad. The thought of more car shopping was terrible. But I went into the dealership yesterday and talked to the sales manager and got him to pay for it!! I was thrilled. Car is ours!
I went to a friend's crab picking yesterday. It was a humid but milder day, and it was so nice to catch up with friends since getting settled in our home has us off the radar lately. Plus, crab picking?! One of my all time favorites! So delicious :-)
I went to a friend's crab picking yesterday. It was a humid but milder day, and it was so nice to catch up with friends since getting settled in our home has us off the radar lately. Plus, crab picking?! One of my all time favorites! So delicious :-)
I think we found a house to rent today! Just waiting for an email from the owner to tell us what the next step is. I'm really hoping everything works out since we both really loved the house.
Pros: my husband now understands a lot more of what I've been telling him (He's not a researcher), I got to be the model for the massage techniques = unexpected back rub, the tour was pretty good, and I think I have the breathing down.
Cons: not too mch new info for me, the seats weren't very comfy, there was an irritating lady who asked eleventy billion questions and disrupted the tour even though she's delivering at a different hospital, and the instructor had very clear opinions on almost every mommy war topic out there, and she only answered questions with the information that supported her opinion. Even though I agreed with a lot of her opinions, I don't think it's right that as the instructor she didn't at least do pros and cons of multiple sides of the issues.
I'm going to AW for a moment if that is ok. I was pleasently surprised this Saturday, I showed up to my firends "housewarming" party and it turned out to be a surprise baby shower for our little man! I was shocked! They did an ice cream social theme and all the decorations were mustaches and bow ties and it was absolutely adorable. I can't believ how blessed I am to have friends that would think of doing this for my family. it came at a great time, the last week was hell and this certainly brightened my spirits.
Re: Weekend Randoms
^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^
The closer we all get the more nervous, giddy, excited I get to meet all our babies!
My dd was watching a cartoon this morning and a commercial came on. Let me just say oh my goodness! It is called janimals, and I had to watch it and just say seriously. It is a stuffed animal that turns into pajamas. For only $29.95 plus shipping and handling of course. It is for age 5 to 105, and they are encouraging kids and adults to wear them to the mall and out and about. (Shaking my head)
There's the website, the bump isn't letting me attach a picture. The first adult I see wearing these not on Halloween will seriously be getting a side eye from me, even if they are 105.
Dad (retired carpenter) is finishing up Eliza's closet while mom and I wash baby clothes and put together the swing etc. Then organizing the closet.
While I love my mom is here helping, she's driving me crazy with "I'd do it this way"s, well, I'm doing it different... Deal with it. /rant
Thanks, unfortunately I'm up in the People's Republic of Maryland where it's all Nationals and Orioles (blech!) Oh how I miss Bealle's...that store is awesome!!!
You'll have a blast!
^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^
---quote fail---
We stayed at the park vue inn when we went in March. It was reasonable with a pool and hot tub. The rooms aren't anything fancy but some have the option of bunk bed and it was clean! It is literally right at the end of the disneyland drive way. We walked back and forth several times a day. They also have a continental breakfast that was beyond any free hotel breakfast I have ever seen. Everyday they had different meals from biscuits and gravy to scrambled eggs and home fries to waffles and fresh fruit. Definitely a bonus to any hotel!
Yes! She's actually a NICU nurse so she def has plenty of experience
But it's different when it's yours!
*O17 June Siggy Challenge - You had 1 job!*
While I was doing that DH put up the shelves for books in the nursery! Didn't realize he was doing that, so that was a fun surprise!
Pros: my husband now understands a lot more of what I've been telling him (He's not a researcher), I got to be the model for the massage techniques = unexpected back rub, the tour was pretty good, and I think I have the breathing down.
Cons: not too mch new info for me, the seats weren't very comfy, there was an irritating lady who asked eleventy billion questions and disrupted the tour even though she's delivering at a different hospital, and the instructor had very clear opinions on almost every mommy war topic out there, and she only answered questions with the information that supported her opinion. Even though I agreed with a lot of her opinions, I don't think it's right that as the instructor she didn't at least do pros and cons of multiple sides of the issues.
I'm going to AW for a moment if that is ok. I was pleasently surprised this Saturday, I showed up to my firends "housewarming" party and it turned out to be a surprise baby shower for our little man! I was shocked! They did an ice cream social theme and all the decorations were mustaches and bow ties and it was absolutely adorable. I can't believ how blessed I am to have friends that would think of doing this for my family. it came at a great time, the last week was hell and this certainly brightened my spirits.