Hi all,
FTM here and was just wondering what if other FTM's were thinking reading all the Labor and Delivery stories? On the one hand, I feel like they are super informative and helpful, but sometimes they really scare the crap out of me and give me horrible anxiety!
I know in labor, you can't really control much, so I'm thinking maybe it's best to stay away so I don't have to spend too much time thinking about all the things that could possibly go wrong in the moment. The other side of me wants to know all the info, so when something happens with me I know what to expect (good or bad).
I'm so torn.
Re: Labor And Delivery Stories- To Read or not To Read
I think that depends on the type of person you are. Will you be calmer having more information or calmer going with what comes and trusting your medical providers?
Personally I like to have the general information of what to expect so I'm prepared for that but I don't want to hear about woman who had the worst case scenario
Mom of Boys!!
Baby #1 - 3 years old
Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14
Because I'm having a twin birth and have other health issues, I'm expecting a difficult birth. Reading the birth stories (even the scary ones) gives me hope that even with a hard delivery, you can still have a healthy baby.
I didn't find this blog until after my delivery of my dd but there is a blog called Birth Without Fear that I love to read. (I think they also have a Facebook page.) There are a lot of natural birth stories on there but there are also birth stories of all sorts. It is interesting to me to read all the different types of labors and deliveries on there.
Here's a link to the blog if anyone is interested.
And yes, I think you would still find them relaxing, whether you planned for med free or not
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
I've delivered 2nd babies of the same family and heard the way they related the delivery I attended...many times its very different than the calm easy delivery I remember from a medical perspective.
"They pulled out the salad tongs, pushing and screaming..."
Or "labor progressed normally over 12 hours, we were complete, I pushed for 90 minutes and baby came"
baby #3 arrived in September 2014...cannot get ticker to work no matter what I try!
@teenybean also an awesome point. I think I need a book of uninteresting birth stories.
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
But, I'm the type of person who will panic if I have no idea what's going on.
I like to know what can go wrong, and what steps they would take to ensure a healthy baby/healthy mama in different situations. Makes me feel more prepared, just in case they need to take any special measures like emergency csection, episiotomy, etc. The more I know, the more comfortable I feel.
My sister originally didn't want the epi but after a whole day of back labor she couldn't sleep/had like zero energy left and she got one. I would personally like a intervention free birth, but I'm not superwoman and if I feel like I need it I'll get one too.
I'm not saying I feel one way or the other about the book, but I can see how somebody might feel like they failed.