September 2014 Moms

On jokes.

Supposing two people come up with a joke at the same time. If one person tells the joke, may the other person express upsetment that they were beaten to the punch (line. Ha!)



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Re: On jokes.

  • Wait, it's the exact same joke? Did they hear it or both make it up themselves? That deeply affects my answer.

    Three people are talking. One person says something and in response the other two think of the EXACT SAME JOKE. Please share your wisdom.


  • I agree with the pp who said the late joker will look lame acknowledging that was their joke first. A better tactic is for the late joker to think of a story that they've heard the early joker tell, and then the late joker should begin telling that story as if it actually happened to them. This will put the early joker in a similar awkward situation - having to choose between allowing someone else to take credit for their story or looking lame for claiming that was their actual story. That seems like a just outcome to me.
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