September 2014 Moms

Need help ref: doctor not being responsive

Hello All,

I posted on here a few weeks ago about my doc leaving her practice and I didn't know if I should move with her or stick with the practice because I liked the office staff and the other docs there. I decided to stay with the practice and switch to a different doc there (the one who happened to have delivered DD1 as he was on call that day). Anyway, I went to the doctor on July 23rd and let them know I had some itching -nothing too severe or crazy. I had cholestasis last time, so I was extra sensitive to any itching. He sent me for bloodwork. I waited five days for them to call me and when they didn't, I called them. They didn't call me back for two days. Finally called me last Friday and said that I had high bile salt levels and they put me on medicine and said he would send me for bloodwork when I came back this Friday for our already scheduled biweekly checkup. Well Tuesday night I started itching pretty badly, so I called them yesterday to let them know and see if I should come in earlier for bloodwork or anything. The woman who works at the desk said she'd put the message in. No one ever called me back. Last night the itching was so severe it woke me up and I could not sleep the entire night. I know it may sound silly but its agonizing. I literally itch from my scalp to bottoms of my feet. I really don't think there's much they can do to relieve the itching, its the baby I'm concerened about as cholestasis can be very dangerous to the baby. When I was diagnosed previously they induced me the day they found out (I was 38 weeks though). I don't want to be "Annoying" by calling again and I know my appointment is tomorrow. I just don't know what to do.

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Re: Need help ref: doctor not being responsive

  • Well since it's Thursday already, if probably feel the same way about calling but since youve been calling and calling with no responses, I would be more angry than I would worry about being a pest. I would keep calling until you get an answer and say you're extremely worried about cholestasis, considering your history, and would really like to be seen for bloodwork immediately.

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  • I would be extremely irritated by their lack of response. I'd keep calling.
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  • Call again. It's your doctor, and you need answers. It's their JOB.
  • I wouldn't be happy with the lack of response you're receiving.  Make sure they're aware that their patient service is really lagging.  Bring it up to everyone you talk to when you go to your appointment tomorrow (at check in, the nurse, the doctor, etc.) and see what sort of response you get.  Your health and needs should come first and you should not have to wait a week and a half to be notified when your blood work doesn't come back normal.

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    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
  • Can you talk directly with a nurse?  My practice all you have to do is when the receptionist answers is say I need to talk to a nurse and they patch you through.  They have one nurse devoted to the phone all day for pregnant ladies to call with concerns.

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  • I would call again and again until someone answered! Like pp said is there a nurses line you can call they are sometimes easier to get a hold of than the scheduling dept. I hope you can get some answers soon!!
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  • They called me back (from yesterday) and they just told me to take Benadryl for the itching and my doctor is out so I would I have to wait until my appointment with him tomorrow. It is VERY frustrating because the nurses do not know what cholestasis is so they do not understand my concern. I am so frustrated. Thank you all for your help.

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  • What about going to the emergency room or L&D? 
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  • I agree with PP but especially @mytinc‌. She's right on, you need to politely but firmly let all of them know that being unresponsive us unacceptable.

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  • I would call them and keep bugging and let them know that their behavior is unacceptable. This is very serious and I know my office won't let you go past 37 weeks with it. They should be more on top of it.
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  • At this point, since they are so unresponsive, your doc is out, and the nurses don't understand the diagnosis, I would call your previous doctor that relocated. It sounds as if he/she was more responsive and understood your diagnosis. I don't think it's too late to switch, and right now I wouldn't even commit to switching. I would just see if you can get in ASAP, see how that visit goes, and decide from there which route you want to take for the remainder of your pregnancy. Good luck and I hope you find some relief soon!
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  •  I would be ticked. You are their patient and you pay them so they should respond. Keep calling.
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  • Call and insist on talking to an OB. Even if they aren't your dr.
    I had issues with my first and the OB never called me back.. I was throwing up even sips of water and in and out of sleep. My H called and refused to hang up until someone got on the phone.
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