Georgia Babies

child care? where to start?

Hi - my son is 14 months old and I just graduated a  few days ago and might have a lead on a job, but was wondering what to do about child care?  While I was in school we juggled his care between family members but if I'm in a 40+ hour a week job we will need something more reliable and stable.  Any suggestions?  Has anyone tried the Goddard School in Midtown?  Are there any day cares that accept cloth diapers?

Thanks in advance.

Re: child care? where to start?

  • We use the Goddard School in Smyrna and love it. We're actually ITP but my office is out that way and I like to nurse on my lunch break so I picked the location nearer my office, otherwise we would have considered the one in midtown.

    Cloth diapers are usually case by case. I know some places have no issues with it, others won't do it, so you'll just have to talk to them about it. My impression is that as long as you make it pretty easy for them they'll accommodate it.

  • Thanks!  I'm glad to hear a vote of confidence for Goddard!
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  • One of my son's former DC teachers is at that Goddard now and really likes her.  (Her daughter also attends.)  However, as you might know, Midtown DCs are very expensive (around $1500 +) per month and wait lists are generally long.  Goddard is fairly new so they might have a bit more flexibility though with the waitlist.  Are you definitely wanting some where in Midtown?  I can help with some more suggestions of places to look.
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  • We're looking mostly in-town, not necessarily midtown.  I've got my son on the waiting list at Grant Park/Cabbage Town Cooperative and going to Druid Hills Child Development Center tomorrow.  Goddard might be a little out of my price range right now.  I'd love other suggestions thank you!
  • That's great on your two possible option!  I don't know too much about the co-op but I know DHCDC seems to be generally well-regarded.  (I think the Co-op is too though.)  Two other good options, both in Va-Hi are Kids Kondo (small, family-run DC) and the YWCA which runs totally under most people's radar I guess b/c they don't advertise.  We know a few families that use it and one at the Kids Kondo.  Both are several hundred less a month at least I believe.  Also, you might check availability at Atlanta First (UMC) which is almost in Downtown on Peachtree.  The far pricier options are all of the Bright Horizons (All Saints, GT/Homepark, and Atlantic Station), Primrose at Colony Sq, Goddard, and Peachtree Childtown.  All have good curricula but you definitely pay for it.  If your LO is only 14 mo old, you probably have a bit more time to think about that and I imagine are mostly focused on safety and fun.  :-) 
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  • Awesome I will definitely look into the YWCA and Kids Kondo!  
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