1st Trimester

Hungry all the time

I have been fortunate enough to not be dealing with morning sickness, knock on wood (who knows if this will be true in a few weeks). However I am hungry all the time. I wake up starving and feeling kinda awful but as soon as I eat protein I'm good to go. I am just worried that I am going to put on too much weight giving in to my hunger. If I don't eat that's when I start to feel nauseous. Am I alone?
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Re: Hungry all the time

  • I felt the same way for weeks 5-8, but I also had m/s.
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  • im always hungry also. it has gotten a little better recently, but i still have to eat to feel better. thats just part of it :)

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  • I have literally been feeling like I am starving all the time... but no m/s (yet) I only feel better when I have eaten, so I have been eating when hungry but making sure it's all healthy stuff that will keep me full. ?I am also crossing my fingers that I don't put on too much weight because I am constantly eating. ?Good luck to both of us I guess =)
  • I'm definitely hungry every 2.5-3 hours.  It's almost a guarantee.  I wasn't feeling that way the last couple of days due to a cold, but today the cold is better, and I'm right back on the hungry track!

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  • I am 10 weeks and ALWAYS hungry. I ate twice as much as my husband at Taco Bell Last night! I try to eat lots of smalls meals otherwise I feel hypoglycemic. Hang in there! Im with ya!
  • I'm in your boat too!
  • I felt that way during weeks 4 and 5. If I didn't eat every 2 hours I felt sick. I wouldn't worry about gaining too much weight. Just make sure you're eating healthy, and be happy you even can eat. You might end up losing any weight you gain if you end up getting m/s (that's what is happening to me right now).

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  • i am the same way and its so frustrating because i am hungry but have some many aversions and then cant get full which makes me hungry all the time.

    i have been trying to eat foods that will keep me fuller longer, foods that have alot of fiber too.  proteins, whole wheat pasta, hummus.  i have also been eating lots of small meals during the day and that helps me to not over eat.

    hope this is helpful 

  • I know what you mean. Always intensely hungry.  Just don't eat too fast or you'll be running to the bathroom like me this afternoon!  Ick!
  • listen to what your body is telling you. Hungry = Eat.
  • I feel the same way too, except with me I get super hungry, eat and then get such a sour stomach. Strange thing is I never actually get sick. I also feel like I get heart burn all ready. I know it sounds crazy but I do not mind feeling sick sometimes because I am just lucky to be pregnant. Smile
  • me too dear!  my husband thinks i'm crazy!!! Big Smile
  • I am worried about gaining TOO much weight, but I can't NOT eat I get so hungry.  I figure there's got to be a reason I'm that hungry.  The down side is that I get so hungry that I eat way too fast and then I have to lay down because I feel sick.  But I know it could be worse so I'm just trying to roll with the punches!
  • I can certainly relate. ?I've had quesiness/hunger 24-7 for the past few weeks. ?Eating protein in the morning does seem to help.

    A friend recommended eating almonds throughout the day. ?I've gotten in the habit of always having a can of almonds with me (natural not roasted or salted kind) and I eat 2-3 every half hour or so. ?It keeps the hunger at bay until regular meal times and seems to prevent my stomach from being queasy all the time. ?Almonds are fairly good for you, just get natural so you aren't eating a bunch of salt and preservatives.?

  • I'm with ya....hungry most of the day.  I have not had morning sickness but I eat more than I have ever eaten in a day!  I have 3 meals with a morning snack and an afternoon snack.  I am trying to eat yogurt for one of my snacks and string cheese/fruit for the other.  Prior to my pregnancy I was not a huge eater, no breakfast, light lunch most days (lean cuisine or something like it) and dinner....so00000 this hunger is new to me!  If I don't eat often enough I feel hypoglycemic, which is awful!

    I am not stressing about weight gain at this point...I'll watch that with my OB.....Happy eating!

  • I'm the same way...basically eating everything in sight. No morning sickness either but have felt a little nauseous when smelling something that didn't smell right. I'm afraid of gaining too much weight too fast b/c of this.
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  • I'm also extremely hungry too. It feels like I'm starving most times. Sometimes not long after I've had a meal. I'm trying hard to satisfy my hunger pangs with only healthy foods (but somehow am craving a lot of protein based foods). I find that eating several small snacks every 2 hours or so helps (somewhat).
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