1st Trimester

What can we eat during 1st trimester?

I am a little bored today and trying not to do too much since I will be busy at work this week. So I have been doing some reading online and there is so many things that you can't eat that I didn't know about like sandwich meat, mayo, and caesar dressing. I have eaten all this in the past few days only once but no I am a little worried. Are there any books or websites that give a list of what not to eat?

Re: What can we eat during 1st trimester?

  • What To Expect When You Are Expecting is a great book.  Remember everything in moderation.


  • I LOVE (and keep in my purse):

    "Pregnancy Dos & Don'ts" by Elisabeth Aron, M.D.?

    It's $9.95 at Barnes and Noble, and is written like a dictionary... you can easily look up what you are questioning and find out if it's a go, a sometimes or a no... and why!?

    Married to Patrick - 8.9.08 Mom to Lennon - 9.1.09 Expecting #2 - 5.20.12
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  • This page and the others on this website is really clear cut and helpful..




  • imagedrdanielle:
    there is so many things that you can't eat that I didn't know about like sandwich meat, mayo, and caesar dressing.


    You can eat all these things. 

    Do a little more research.  I suggest the book "Fearless Pregnancy" to all nervous 1st Triers  - it will ease your mind a bit.

    "I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy." J.D. Salinger Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • (How far along are you?  We like Tickers)
    "I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy." J.D. Salinger Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • www.americanpregnancy.org 

    Ceaser salad is only if the dressing is made with raw egg and rarely does that occur now - same with mayo.  Lunch meats are ok if they are heated first.  My doctor gave me a list, but if you haven't seen yours yet then call and they can probably give you the dos and don'ts over the phone or mail you out something.

  • When researching, it's also important to look at why you can't eat certain things. For instance, mayonnaise is because it may contain raw eggs. But, if you are eating something cooked with mayo in it, the eggs wouldn't be raw. Also with soft cheese it's b/c it may be unpasteurized. But, you can look at the packaging to see if it's pasteurized, and if it is, it's safe. I read you can eat lunch meat as long as you cook it first.

    I know it's really frustrating, esp. when you have m/s and can only tolerate certain things. I'm trying to only eat organic meat (started that before BFP), but that's also hard when I go to family meals, and I'm concerned about getting enough protein. 

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ditto what the others said but most important, what doesn't make you want to puke! That will be the biggest challenge of all!
  • Take it easy, you can eat all of those things. Do a little more research, you will see that there are actually very few foods that you should avoid while pregnant. A pretty good rule of thumb is if you bought it at the grocery store (dressings, mayo, cheese) then it has already been pasturized and isn't anything to worry about. If your worried about deli meat then heat the meat until steaming and you will be fine. No need to have a bad case of pregnancy paranoia.
  • The March of Dimes website is also a good resource for information.
  • Everything in moderation is the theme for a lot of people - there are plenty of websites, books, etc. that you can check out to find more information about what you and should and shouldn't eat. However, during the first trimester I would say eat whatever you can tolerate because that is what most people have to do and throw a lot of the rules out the window! Best of luck!
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  • actually my doctor told me all natural lunch meat is safe as long as it is?preservative?free and fully cooked, so I eat an all natural brand from hannaford that has no artificial stuff in it and I eat it cold and my doctor said that it is fine.
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