September 2014 Moms

FTM here- Nipples turning white?

edited August 2014 in September 2014 Moms
I started occasional leaking back in July-dont get me started on how ridiculously exciting that was for me haha-but now my nipples take turns turning completely white-tipped throughout the day, and without any this normal? What is it? 

Sorry for the weird topic, but I forgot to ask my speciality doctor at my appointment this morning, and my PCM (Midwife) is at the Army Hospital and never answers the phone!! Plus I Googled...but only got results back about milk leaking...thats a no brainer. 

Re: FTM here- Nipples turning white?

  • I noticed that this happens when my colostrum leaks, but dries on my nipples. Depending on how long it's been there, the white residue can feel sticky or it feels kind of crusty. 
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  • Your actual milk does not come in until the baby is born. You are leaking colostrum which is usually yellowish from my understanding.

    I did a quick google and the first thing that popped up was vasospasm/ raynauds. You may want to look that up until you talk to your doctor to see if that is what you are experiencing.

    Fwiw, I would leave a message wih your midwife. She should probably know just in case it could be something else.

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  • Thank you @brittneyandadam and @ashleyb1114 for the info! I know colostrum comes in first because Im actually a nurse lol, but I don't specialize in anything around pregnancy so Im totally clueless on all this...I also found the Raynaud's/vasospasm results for Google but was hoping that maybe there would be a more common and simple answer! Guess not haha. Ill leave a message for my Midwife...curiosity is now getting the best of me! 
    Thank you again ladies!! 
  • @christinaperchaz I have had Raynaud's in my extremities for most of my adult life and it is very painful.  I have had it in my nipples before, but since becoming pregnant, it has become much more common.  The pain is pretty hard to take and nothing really gets rid of it except for time.  Hope that's not what it is, but definitely good to talk to your midwife about it.
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  • @wpatx, the pain symptom is what made me wonder if there was a more common explanation..Im not experiencing any discomfort with the discoloration. Im not sure how common Raynaud's is, but do you know if it ever occurs without pain? Or is that usually pretty standard?  
    (I did call and leave a message for my midwife, but any info until I hear back is so appreciated!) 
  • @christinaperchaz I have never experienced a Raynaud's episode that didn't also come with a lot of pain.  Imagine the worst feeling frostbite that you can't get rid of with heat happening on a finger/nipple/toe.  However, it might be totally possible to have a less severe case, and/or the first few times you start to feel it, it isn't really full blown yet.

    The good thing if it is Raynaud's is that it doesn't really have any negative affect on you except for the pain.  So, if you can work through that, it isn't the end of the world.

    Hoping everything turns out okay for you!
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  • @christinaperchaz Im commenting on the Raynaud's Ive never been diagnosed with it, but Im pretty sure I have it. I have an Aunt on my Moms side and an Uncle on my Dads side that have been diagnosed with it. and I have the same symptoms as they do.

     Mine must not be a severe case because Ive never experienced any pain just discomfort/numbing in my fingers and toes. The more time has gone on, I started noticing it when I was in my early 20's and now Im 28, it has spread to more of my fingers on both hands, all my toes now have it and it has moved into the bottoms of my feet. I have not noticed my nipples turning white but I might just not be noticing it because for me it is not painful. Now that I think of it I dont think Ive experienced an episode at all this pregnancy, which is odd because I usually get them when Im stressed out and lately Ive been pretty stressed.
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  • @wpatx, thank you for all the info! I talked to my midwife and she said its Raynaud's. Makes sense because I have always had ice cube feet/circulation issues. I hope it doesn't worsen as time goes though and start to be painful. Im sorry that you have to deal with that part of it!! 

    @djcieply, sounds like you may have some issues with circulation as well! My midwife said that as long as its not causing a bunch of pain its nothing to worry about. But its interesting that you haven't had any issues with it during your pregnancy...mines worsened a bit (obviously lol). And not to sound weird, but since you don't experience the pain part either, take a warm shower, if you can handle it (they usually make me so nauseous and dizzy), and then when you step out into the cold air check your nipples out. Thats usually when mine are most affected. If not, lucky you! I guess having it affect your nipples can cause a lot of pain during breastfeeding, if thats what you plan to do.  
  • @christinaperchaz , Ive been saying for the last few years that I need to go and have my circulation checked out. When I read up on Raynaud's originally, they say there is not much you can do for it and it harmless for the most part unless it effects you for long periods of time. So thats why I never really pursued it with a Dr. Its just something I kind of forget about until I have an episode, which really isnt very often but I do notice more is affected when they do happen. I nursed DS and I never had any issue in the nipple area as far as pain goes. So hopefully for you, you also dont experience any pain with it.
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