I started occasional leaking back in July-dont get me started on how ridiculously exciting that was for me haha-but now my nipples take turns turning completely white-tipped throughout the day, and without any leaking...is this normal? What is it?
Sorry for the weird topic, but I forgot to ask my speciality doctor at my appointment this morning, and my PCM (Midwife) is at the Army Hospital and never answers the phone!! Plus I Googled...but only got results back about milk leaking...thats a no brainer.
Re: FTM here- Nipples turning white?
I did a quick google and the first thing that popped up was vasospasm/ raynauds. You may want to look that up until you talk to your doctor to see if that is what you are experiencing.
Fwiw, I would leave a message wih your midwife. She should probably know just in case it could be something else.