So I've been cheating on our board a little today to experience some go the d14 drama, and in light of our own recent special snowflakes, I'm stealing this idea from them.
Since were used to being called unsupportive high school mean girls, I wanted to create this thread to recognize that it's not the case, by saying something nice about how s14ers go out of their way to be supportive and helpful.
My particular "something nice" at this moment is a special shout out to
@CarmAlarm, because she fairly recently convinced me to call my doctor and head to l&d when I was having contractions. Even though everything turned out normal for me, without her I probably would've ignored my body and something could have happened to my LO. I love you Carm!
Anybody else have something nice to say to someone?
BFP: 09/13/13 --- MMC: 10/25/13
BFP: 12/25/13 --- DD: 09/10/14
BFP: 03/16/15 --- EDD: 11/30/15
Re: Something nice to say.
In that spirit then, I would like to send a shout out to @mrslalabug for being an inspiration and a riot for the past 7 months or so. One of the strongest women I've ever had the pleasure of "knowing", and she makes it easier for me to get through this pregnancy sometimes without even realizing it.
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS
And added to those above I want to send some love to @justcricket, @carmalarm, @trebeckastan, @mrsdaniellem2010, @anymax, and @groxb. Recently, you guys and my DH combined have talked me out of my crazy notion of working my retail job on my feet all the way up to labor. But you have always been there for me when I've needed, checked in when I've been MIA, and been great fun just to "know". I heart all you bishes forever.
@conradraging for being my lady crush and @mrsgrumpygills for listening to me bitch and moan about pretty much everything.
This whole board has been pretty badass. I can't wait to kick your asses in fantasy football...Wait. What?
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS
^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^
Shouting out to my sistah guhl @AnyMax for being understanding in my times of anxiety.
Shout outs to ALL YOU BISHES!
You are an incredibly strong mama. I'm glad that we can be here to help hold you up when you need.
Big hugs back to @tromboner (and thanks for the gifs and always reminding me what the kind response would be), @carmalarm (and thanks to YOU for giving excellent advice, running the ff league, and your general goodness), and @mambonumber5 (still praying for your uncle everyday! Thanks to you for popping in on Saturday check ins when they're posted, and in advance for answering all my bf questions - I did not forget!!)
Thanks to @mmason12 and @suitern for running check ins for the PGAL and GD members of this board, respectively. I don't always participate, but I know you're both looking out for us, and it is much appreciated.
Thanks to my LB and long distance bump bff @mrsgrumpygills for helping me make decisions not only once or twice but sometimes 5 times. I appreciate your patience for my indecisiveness.
Thanks to the following Mamas for being kickass inspiration for me as they go through some hard shit: @mrslalabug, @jg1011, @crystalangel79, @LSN8308, @LTMama, and others (you know who you are) who NEVER complain about what they're going through, and are rockstars through and through.
Thank you to @reverey for being right up there with tromb keeping things positive. I find myself disagreeing with you a ton, but I respect you, lady.
Thank you to @sparklegrump for sharing my love of proper grammar and fun literary terms!
Thank you to all the ladies who helped me way back in the day with the crazy and memorable monotone/secondcoming. @mrslalabug, @carmalarm, @smileygirl18 and @mermaidsmagic - I have not forgotten and it is still much appreciated.
I even have love for the randos who think I'm an asshole. They provide much needed entertainment.
I heart you, S14. Fo reals.
Thanks for giving your time to S14!
DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2
Can't believe I'm looking at 4 weeks or less here!
It's been so nice to know that others are going through the same things I am and find some support in dealing with GD when I really wanted to say f-this and I give up.
The more recent meal planning has been a lifesaver for me also. Things are a little crazy with having dh leave for work mid day and I have never had to deal with evening activities by myself. I had inspiration and ideas on how to get organized and get dinner done despite being 'home alone'. Out first lonely night was a breeze! And the dishes even got done!?!? Thank you, girls!! :x
Edited some incorrect auto corrects
First Son - born 2013
Third Son - due June 9, 2018
Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
Just not with mustard!
BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013
BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm. 6 lbs 15 oz!
Met: September 2005 Married: October 2008 DS: 09/2014