September 2014 Moms

Something nice to say.

So I've been cheating on our board a little today to experience some go the d14 drama, and in light of our own recent special snowflakes, I'm stealing this idea from them.

Since were used to being called unsupportive high school mean girls, I wanted to create this thread to recognize that it's not the case, by saying something nice about how s14ers go out of their way to be supportive and helpful.

My particular "something nice" at this moment is a special shout out to @CarmAlarm‌, because she fairly recently convinced me to call my doctor and head to l&d when I was having contractions. Even though everything turned out normal for me, without her I probably would've ignored my body and something could have happened to my LO. I love you Carm!

Anybody else have something nice to say to someone?

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BFP: 09/13/13  ---  MMC: 10/25/13
BFP: 12/25/13  ---  DD: 09/10/14
BFP: 03/16/15  ---  EDD: 11/30/15

Re: Something nice to say.

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  • The wonderful ladies of S14 never fail to show an amazing amount of love and support, a good dose of reality, endless reassurance for us FTMs, and the perfect combination of snark and humor! S14 rocks!
  • ashaw512 ashaw512 member
    edited August 2014
    Yuristar said:

    Awww! I love you all so much! I have to say hat being alone in a foreign country has made me see how much your support means to me. This board is full with supportive, inspirational, hilarious, strong woman that are so much fun to be with (cybernetically at least)

     @zoeyy@ltmamaGingerGiraffe‌, you are so positive and courageous , @crystalangel79‌ you are so strong and lovely, and I also love that you are a history geek like me :) @MrsLaLaBug‌ you are amazing and I love your amazing outlook even through difficult circumstances,  @conradraging@sparklegrump @trebekastan‌, @tromboner@CarmAlarm‌, @justcricket,@trebeckastan@mrsdaniellem2010@anymax, and @groxb... If I missed someone please forgive me.

    I love you girls with all my Sloths and Tacos!!

    Now, can someone pass me a hammie sandwich?

    Since you quote me you should probably add my name in that mix ;)
  • Yuristar said:

    Yuristar said:

    Now, can someone pass me a hammie sandwich?


    Since you quote me you should probably add my name in that mix ;)

    hahaha, but you don't like hammie sandwiches!!! :P

    Just not with mustard!

  • As I just posted in my Bitch Fest Monday post, Ive been in a crabby funk today. Since I was not able to be on TB much over the weekend Ive been going back over all the interesting threads over the weekend. The ladies on this board definitely gave me a laugh when I really needed it today, such a great group of supportive women when its needed and a great group to bring people back to reality with their off the wall posts!

    I dont post very often but I read the board atleast once a day and idk how many times I have literally LOL'd at some of the awesome gifs and responses. There is definitely a great group of women here!
    photo dca9b006-0f54-4503-ad9d-536560d9d80f.jpg
    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
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