I'm waiting for a call back since spotting is on their list of things to call about, but they said that it might be a few bc she's in with another mom. In the mean time, has anyone else had spotting this late? Was it alright?
Your cervix can be very sensitive right now. Things like sex, straining during a bowel movement, lifting something too heavy, etc. can all cause spotting. Hope everything is okay!
Hope everything is ok. Like PP said, spotting can range from normal to serious. Usually, it's nothing to really worry about, and they just keep a closer eye on you, and your OB may suggest you refrain from over exerting yourself.
I don't have any personal experience, but I know my SIL spotted late in her pregnancy with my nephew. She was told to take it easy, and baby was just fine though it all. Hope the same for you! Keep us updated!
Thanks everyone. I had noticed it while in the bathroom and it seems to have stopped (haven't seen it in subsequent bathroom trips), so I'm supposed to take it easy, keep watching it, and call back if I notice more or other symptoms of PTL. Crossing my fingers. Thanks again.
Re: Spotting this late
Hope everything is okay!
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