September 2014 Moms

Waterproof mattress... now a pad too??

JustCricketJustCricket member
edited July 2014 in September 2014 Moms
We bought a waterproof mattress... and now I am confused as to if I really still need a mattress pad! I've had a few people ask me, and I just assumed, waterproof mattress means no pad necessary... But now I'm second guessing.

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Waterproof mattress... now a pad too?? 95 votes

Yes get a waterproof mattress pad (or two)
33% 32 votes
Yes get a mattress pad (or two) but it doesn't need to be waterproof
9% 9 votes
No, unecessary purchase
20% 19 votes
show me the answers
34% 33 votes
SS option for you snowflakes out there
2% 2 votes

Re: Waterproof mattress... now a pad too??

  • You aren't going to want to have to scrub the mattress when you are changing the sheets in the middle of the night. The mattress pad part also provides some softness so baby isn't sleeping on plastic.
    Mom of Boys!!

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  • We use the "lasagna" method to sheets - sheet, mattress pad, sheet, mattress pad, sheet. Saves time and energy in the middle of the night in the case of messes. It's really more applicable to my toddler and potty trained preschooler, but still worked for the crib. 
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  • I have 3 mattress pads one is waterproof. Not all babies are the same but I can count on one hand the number of leaks/blowouts DD has had. Even with a waterproof mattress pad you still have to change the sheets in the middle of the night. DD has a plastic mattress so I don't really have a need for waterproof pads. I'm looking for mattresses now and the one I'm getting her is a soft top so I'll need the waterproof pad for it.
  • I'd say go for the pads just as an extra layer of protection if nothing else. I wouldn't want to deal with scrubbing down a mattress on top of changing sheets in the middle of the night. At least if you have the pad in addition to the mattress, all that can easily be thrown into the washing machine or bathroom to be dealt with in the morning, and your mattress is good to go right away. A little extra protection will never hurt!

    Also, most waterproof mattresses have a plastic feel to them. The pad will provide a little bit of extra cushion as well.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I'm getting a couple of these things to put on top of the sheets:

    I'll probably end up getting a waterproof fitted mattress pad as well.
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  • we have both.  Ain't takin' any chances.  ;)
  • I voted unnecessary, And I'm probably jinxing myself here, but we have never had a middle of the night episode. There have been a few mornings when we had to change the sheets because a little pee leaked out of the diaper, and the mattress just needed a quick wipe down.
  • thanks for all the answers ladies! 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • @brittneyandadam‌ Those sheet savers were one of the best things we've ever bought. I don't know about that particular brand but we had three that we'd rotate. We actually used them for right under our daughters' heads. They all pretty much had reflux issues and they solved the problem of baby's cheek right on a wet sheet. No more skin rashes and so much easier to change out then the entire sheet. Plus they are so soft!

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  • Water proof mattresses are usually a plastic slippery material... I would put a fitted mattress pad under the fitted sheet just to avoid slipping and sliding. It might make it a bit more comfortable.
  • My justification for buying two mattress pads is this--do you really want to spend the time to clean and sanitize your mattress when baby makes a mess at 3am? I don't. So I'll have the pad on and it'll be so much quicker to just change the sheet and take off the pad and be done with it.
  • I didn't get mattress pads.. waterproof mattress only here.


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