Just thinking ahead a little about everything I need for our diaper bag. As a first time mom, I'm sure there are things I'm not thinking about needing at all. Any helpful pointers on crucial items that have been lifesavers for you that us first time moms probably aren't aware of? How many diapers, etc. did you typically have with you in your bag?
Re: BTDT Moms-- What's In Your Diaper Bag?
As she got older my bag had less baby things and more junk in it. Now I just throw a few diapers and wipes in my purse and roll.
Mom of Boys!!
Baby #1 - 3 years old
Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14
And the instructor told us 4-8 diapers, 2 changes of clothes, a blanket, first aid (medicines, bandaids, alcohol wipes, etc.), a pack of travel wipes/box of wipes, changing pad, 1 pair of socks, 1 pair of mittens (if baby scratches), 2-3 different toys/books, and a binky if you're giving baby one.
But this was a great topic, thanks for asking because I'm very interested in what ST+M have to say.
SD (11/2010)
DD1 (09/2014)
DD2 (10/2015)
Baby Girl #4 (11/2020)
wipes - some diaper bags will come with their own refillable cases
Aquaphor - or whatever your diaper cream fancy
infant motrin - depending on age of your LO
gripe water - or gas drops, in case baby has tummy upset
bottle/BM/formula - again, whatever your fancy
2 extra outfits/onesies - in case of the ever popular blowout
burp cloth - in case of spit up or worse
nose Frieda - AKA nose sucker
some type of toy/book - in case you need random entertainment
Depends on your style and preference to macguyver through things I think. And it totally changes with their ages.
1 diaper /2 hours out --4 hours out = 2 diapers plus maybe 1 backup can't hurt
burp cloth or receiving blanket--(does double duty in a pinch for changing table, obviously do not change poop on top then wipe up spit up right?) X2
Swaddle blanket--does double duty as playmat, nursing cover, carseat cover etc. (I almost never cover while nursing, but in a pinch if I feel like it might make someone else more comfy it works)
produce bags from grocery store--a couple stashed in a pocket (recycled from shopping) great for dirty diapers when no trash available, wet clothes, blowouts etc. No need to buy these if you save them from shopping.
extra paci, if you use them
diaper cream if you use it
1-2 extra one piece outfits (sleeper or union suit--onesie with legs) depending on each childs propensity for blow outs. We loved one piece outfits because of the ease of packing
Daily variations may include hats depending on weather, extra warm clothes etc depending on what and where you are going.
I never packed bulb/suckers, medication etc. I just didn't thing any of that stuff was really necessary, but to each her own. Especially early on most of the time you are gone like 2 hours for errands, and you head home to nurse, rest etc.
If you bottle feed, all the stuff that entails or for when hubby has baby out and about on his own. We used a separate soft side cooler for taking milk along as needed, since that was mainly him I can't give expert advice except for that he liked to have it separate so he only had to remember to make sure that made it back in the house so it didn't rot in the car, as in if the diaper bag got left in the trunk no biggie.
baby #3 arrived in September 2014...cannot get ticker to work no matter what I try!