September 2014 Moms

STMs+ Stroller Question

My DD will be 18 months when this baby is born. What is everyone doing for strollers? Is a double stroller worth is or is 18 months too big for a double stroller?

I am mainly concerned for when I will have to have both of them with me alone. When my DH is with me, my DD can walk but I know that will be difficult for me if I am also pushing a stroller.

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Re: STMs+ Stroller Question

  • MrsKasel10MrsKasel10 member
    edited July 2014
    My first two children are 18mo apart and we bought a BOB double jogger. Yes it is very expensive but we still use it constantly and my kids are now 4.5 and 3yo. Obviously we will also be able to use it once new baby comes. In my opinion a double stroller will make your life much easier because an 18mo does not want to walk much especially long distances.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
                                   DS 10/02/09  DD 03/28/11
  • I think it depends on your LO. My DD1 will be 2.5 when baby girl arrives, but I still use a stroller with her almost everyday. I bought a used city mini double for a decent price, but honestly, that stroller would have been worth full price! I've used it already when babysitting and love it.
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  • For 18 months apart, I would for sure buy a double stroller.  My DS will be nearly 3 when this LO is born, so we aren't getting one.

    Oscar born October 2011

    Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)

    DD due September 1, 2014

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  • I'm getting a sit n stand, but DS will be about to turn 3. I think with an 18mo old, you'll definitely want a double stroller. I've heard great things about the Contours Options one..
    Mom of Boys!!

    Baby #1 - 3 years old
    Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14

  • My two girls were 15.5 mos apart and I think that double saved my sanity. I waiting until baby got here to get one, figuring I could just use a carrier and put dd1 in the stroller. But sometimes you need to have a place where both kids are secured. My DH works opposite hours from me, so we are not together often. If I wanted to try on some clothes, or just not be touched, I loved that stroller. 
    image        image
  • My oldest are 20 mos apart and I could not have made it without a double stroller! My issue wasn't for the toddler and nb stage but as they got older and would run opposite directions. It would have been nice when one was nb but I couldn't find one to fit in my car. This time I am going with a single stroller or ergo as the youngest two are over 3yrs apart. We shall see if that changes after he's born.
  • Well mine are twins so we used a double stroller since birth. They are 22 months old tomorrow and we still use a double stroller. There's no way I could have both walk being alone anyways. I haven't decided what to do this time yet though... i know I didn't use my stroller much in the winter but with one baby I might venture more when my parents take the twins overnight. I also plan to wear this baby more than I did my twins since it will be easier


  • I have a 3.5 year old and we still use a stroller for the zoo and mall.  So I got a sit and stand.  So not as big as a double, also not as expensive.  I got mine for 116 at target.  It allows Ds1 to walk if he wants, but I also have a place to put him if I need to.

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  • emmylu30emmylu30 member
    edited July 2014
    I'm going to wait and see.  My son will be 25 months when LO is born.  He still sits in the stroller when we go to the zoo, walks, and other excursions.  I figured that for the rest of this year I will wear baby when we go out and DS can sit in our single stroller then we will see if he is ready for a sit and stand in the spring or we need to get a double stroller.
    Big Brother Nolan 07.30.12
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  • Other advantage to a double, even if LO is out walking, you have a seat to put packages if you are at the mall.  We went to the art fair, and my double was the only stroller I had in the car so I used it with DS and then had a place for my purchases  :)

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  • jg1011jg1011 member
    We got a Graco double that has 12 different configurations.... One being sit n stand. My DS is 21 months and loves his stroller. He often naps in it when MIL has him. He also would never be able to walk safely for a mall trip or long day at the zoo/aquarium etc. For us a double was a necessity.
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  • Thanks ladies! I was thinking it was something I should get, but I always second guess myself. I will look into all of the suggestions, luckily we have a minivan so size shouldn't be too much if an issue.

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  • We will be getting a double because we walk a lot and for me it is a necessity, I am still looking into which stroller. The girls will be 21 months apart and DD1 gets tired walking for long periods so the stroller will be perfect, hopefully.

    @marchie1214 does your city mini have the bike tires or the plastic like ones? Do you use it mostly indoors or out? 
  • DS will be 19 months when LO is born.  We just bought a city select second hand. 

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  • I got a City Select and DS will almost be 3 when LO is born. I still use the stroller with him quite a bit and when he doesn't want to ride in it anymore it can be turned back into a single, which is a nice option.
    photo dca9b006-0f54-4503-ad9d-536560d9d80f.jpg
    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • Add us to the city Select group.  DS will be 2.5 when LO shows up and still loves the stroller. I can't wait to use it!
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  • I  have used double stroller with my daughters who are 24 month apart. We had Phil&Teds and I loved it!!! It's light, easy to fold and very practical.
  • My son will be 20 months when baby is born and I was torn on what to do as well. I ended up getting a light weight stroller for him and plan to "wear" the baby and push him. That of course is only when I take them both out alone which won't be often. Usually we go out of the house as a family so my husband can push one and I can push the other.
  • My daughter will be 2 years 3 mths when LO arrives. She still uses the stroller regularly. We'll be buying a double stroller in the next month or so.
  • Get a double stroller you won't regret it. Check Craigslist and consignment shops a lot of sit and stands show up
  • My daughter will be 2.5 when baby #2 arrives. We are getting a Joovy Ultralight tandem stroller. She prefers to walk most places, but we go to Disneyland a lot and it will be nice to have for long trips. For short trips, I plan on using a wrap or ring sling for baby.
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  • This baby will be our first , but we are starting with the City select in hopes that he will have a sibling not too far from now.


  • This baby will be our first , but we are starting with the City select in hopes that he will have a sibling not too far from now.
    Had I known about the City Select when we had DS, this is totally what we would have done. Smart choice!!
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  • suitern said:

    This baby will be our first , but we are starting with the City select in hopes that he will have a sibling not too far from now.

    Had I known about the City Select when we had DS, this is totally what we would have done. Smart choice!!

    I second this!!

    photo dca9b006-0f54-4503-ad9d-536560d9d80f.jpg
    Mr C born 10/25/11  Miss M born 9/11/14
  • My DS will be 20 months old when DD is born and my DH thought we wouldn't need a double stroller because "DS can walk, right?" Well yes, but he's still so little and having somewhere where he can ride when he's tired or even nap if we're out and about is definitely worth having!

    We just got this Graco double stroller because it is compatible with DS's old infant car seat that I will be using for DD. If you have a Graco infant seat I highly recommend it, it also comes in classic connect if you don't have the click connect system.

    It has 12 different configurations to grow with two children all the way up to 50lbs. I set it up with the infant seat in the back and DS sitting in the front and he already loves it. I had to fold it up and put it away to keep him from climbing into it all day. There's lots of storage underneath and that front seat DS is sitting in has plenty of room to recline all the way back if he falls asleep.


  • nienotnienot member
    I am not a STM, but after flying home this weekend for my shower (and having a 3+ hour layover in Dallas) I did some major stroller creeping and it appears that everyone in the world has a city select, and the moms I talked to absolutely loved it for 2.  I think in environments like an airport or anywhere busy, most people prefer to have their toddlers in a stroller just because it's easier to keep tabs on them.

    I kind of wish I had thought of using the airport to gauge stroller "happiness" before we made our decision.  Really helps you get a better idea of actual ease of use, etc.
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  • @tromboner‌ thank you that was very thorough. I was looking into that one since it is closer to my price range. It looks smaller in your picture than it looked online, does it seem easy to maneuver?

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  • @tromboner‌ thank you that was very thorough. I was looking into that one since it is closer to my price range. It looks smaller in your picture than it looked online, does it seem easy to maneuver?
    It's very easy to maneuver. A little heavier than my single Graco and will take some getting used to because it's longer... but both of those tihngs are to be expected, it being a double. But it moves as easily as my single stroller does.
  • tromboner said:

    @tromboner‌ thank you that was very thorough. I was looking into that one since it is closer to my price range. It looks smaller in your picture than it looked online, does it seem easy to maneuver?

    It's very easy to maneuver. A little heavier than my single Graco and will take some getting used to because it's longer... but both of those tihngs are to be expected, it being a double. But it moves as easily as my single stroller does.

    Awesome, thanks!

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  • Well I thought we were going to wait and see but took @Jayhawkali suggestion to check Craig's List and found a Joovy Ergo Caboose (is now discontinued but was over $300) for $75!  
    Big Brother Nolan 07.30.12
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