September 2014 Moms

So my water broke - UPDATE

CgalaniukCgalaniuk member
edited July 2014 in September 2014 Moms
No contractions as of yet, so right now the goal is to keep this baby in for at least another week or 2 as I'm only 31 weeks today. If I start contracting again like I did on Saturday, they will not stop labour. That's all I know for now, my dr will be in to see me in the morning. Ugh.

Update - baby and I are both doing well, still not having any contractions, and the leaking has slowed down a bit. No more big gushes! Fetal assessment and NST yesterday looked good, my dr is happy right now. There's not a whole lot of fluid in there so my poor little munchkin looked all squished! Next fetal assessment is on Friday, otherwise they just keep checking me for any signs of infection and listening to baby evey 4 hours. Not sure if I'll be leaving the hospital at any point, but at least I have a private room and am allowed to get up and walk outside for a bit to enjoy the beautiful summer days!!
Thank you all for the well wishes!!

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