I don't know why, but I thought it would stay the same or get better, but it isn't. I've had it for a week now, and today and yesterday have been the worst. I can't keep anything down until around 4 or 5 pm. I have to go back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off, and it's going to be really hard to make it through the day.
Re: anyone's m/s getting worse?
Mine started off as slight nausea at nearly 7 weeks. ?I'm now almost 11 weeks & it's getting progressively worse. ?I've been throwing up at least once every other day & showing no signs of getting better. ?
I feel a little better if I eat something, but I don't want to resort to that all the time because at that rate I'd gain probably 60 lbs!?
I work at a university, so don't even want to think about the shared bathroom thing! I'm sure the students will think it's so gross when I'm puking in the bathroom while they're standing there primping in the mirror. There is a private bathroom in the Dean's office, but the people in the offices around it can hear you.
I just threw up an hour ago for the first time but I've been nauseaus for weeks. I hope it's just a one time thing but we'll see
I have to go back to work too and work at a daycare so changing diapers and cleaning up yucky baby food does not sound appealing right now.
Hope I don't puke at work
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~