Welcome to the last week of July!
1. How many weeks are you/how big is baby?
2. Upcoming appointments?
3. How are you feeling? Anything new that has you worried?
4. GTKY: tell me all your football feels. Are you super excited? Could not possibly care less? Which is your team?
Re: **~Saturday Ticker Change~**
2. Next appointment August 7. Starting my weeklies and weekly NST's at that point. Not looking forward to such long appointments but I AM looking forward to getting to see baby so much.
3. Feeling ok. Normal 3rd trimester!
4. We are normally Jets fans but aren't rooting for them as long as Vick is on payroll. For the record we'd boycott over a murderer/rapist/violent offender of any kind, not just animal abuser.
This year I'm just going to root for good football
Have a great week everyone!
1. How many weeks are you/how big is baby?
34 weeks butternut squash
2. Upcoming appointments?
Doctor has me coming once a week now so my next one is Thursday. I will get my GBS test done then.
3. How are you feeling? Anything new that has you worried?
Feeling pregnant as always!
4. GTKY: tell me all your football feels. Are you super excited? Could not possibly care less? Which is your team?
So excited for football! It's my favorite time of the year. I am in two very competitive fantasy leagues that take up a lot of my time, but I enjoy very much. I am a die hard Cardinals fan and take the kids to training camp every year, just like my dad did with my sisters and I. Can't wait for the season to start!