September 2014 Moms

Anyone questioned bed rest?

I've been curious on this since I was pregnant with my son but never thought to ask. With him I went into PTL at 31 weeks. I spent a night in the hospital where they stopped the contractions and I saw a high-risk doctor. He sent me home and told me to resume my everyday activities because bed rest does nothing to help or stop PTL and baby will come when he wants. I never asked for more details on it but thought it was odd because I always hear of people on bed rest. And truthfully I didn't believe him and wished at the time he would have prescribed it!

With everything happening on our board lately it reminded me of his statement and I realized I had still never seen anyone post anything about their doctor having the same opinion as mine. Has anyone had a doctor tell them it doesn't help? I just find it interesting that I don't ever hear this side of it and seem to be the only person I know who had a doctor say that.
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Re: Anyone questioned bed rest?

  • That does seem odd. Maybe he was referring to a certain situation when it wouldn't be helpful?
    Chad and Fawn

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  • I've read that it is inconclusive on if bed rest helps with cervical problems and causes of PTL and that usually it's just prescribed because it can't hurt. Though I will say I don't remember where I read that and if it was on a trustworthy site or not.
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  • Maybe it's to prevent your body from exerting "too much" energy on non-labor activities?
    I know my lower abdominal area starts cramping if I walk around too much, so my dr tells me to go easy on physical activities (which hasn't stopped me--I'm stubborn). Idk if she tells me this bc I told her about the pain or if there's a medical reason she suggested it.
    Didn't your mother teach you, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all." Let's all (me too) try to remember this. Thank you.

    Depression is ugly. Depression without meds is uglier. Robin Williams would agree with me.
  • I've also read that there is no conclusive evidence to support it. What I've read as probably mostly been associated though with pre-eclampsia so I'm not sure if that statement would be widely supported. My dr, on the other hand, will put me on bed rest if the pre-eclampsia rears its ugly head. I will not second guess him on it because as PP suggested, what can it hurt?
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  • I was first put on no work instructions from OB with very light housework/activities with mild pre-e diagnosis last Friday. Well at ultrasound yesterday blood pressure spiked to 166/94 and stayed after admit to L&D for observation. After 2 hours in non stimulating environment it went down still high but not extreme.

    And now I have orders for bed rest. Bathroom breaks, getting food/water and very limited movement.

    I think it all depends on doc and situation. T&P to you and your LO
  • I had placenta previa in the beginning and my doc said the same thing. He only prescribed pelvic rest for my until my symptoms went away.

    I have a feeling it depends on the reason you are being put on bed rest too tho
  • Ok so I'm definitely not the only one who has been told this. I just thought given how much info is usually traded on the bump that is was weird I never saw it brought up so I got curious. Either that or it was late and I couldn't sleep so I started thinking about random things. I definitely don't see how it could hurt either, I think it's really important to not overdo it and get rest. Especially with certain medical conditions.
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  • suiternsuitern member
    edited July 2014
    I have had this same discussion with my drs this pregnancy many times. In 2012, I did 13 weeks of bed rest to carry my Ds to term. This time the PTL started again at 29 weeks and was told just light activity. Now modified bed rest at 31 weeks but that still means I can be up around the house and do some cooking but not chasing my two year old and taking him a bunch of places. Like PPs said, bed rest has always been a gray area and new research is showing that in terms of PTL/cervix issues that it isn't really proving to be effective, but mostly prescribed to make the mom and drs feel better. I have read that in cases of high blood pressure it is still recommended! In my case I am on bed rest until 34 weeks and then was told I needed to get back to "normal" so I would still have muscle tone and stamina for labor. Again, it's all patient and dr dependent, so I think it's best in this case to listen to what your dr has to say and go with their plan.
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  • I had preterm labor at 29 weeks no bed rest I continued to have preterm contractions and effacement but no further dilation. I made it to nearly 35 weeks before he needed to one out. I really wonder if the preterm labor was because he was struggling and almost knew it was better to be out than in.
  • LTMamaLTMama member
    My doc had mentioned that before. But in my case, since my issue is lots of preterm contractions that increase significantly when I exert myself, bedrest was the unanimous rec from my OBs and MFMs. And it seems to make a big difference. I think it's deff case by case.

    DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
    Cooking #2 :)  Due 9/18/2014

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  • Ki0918Ki0918 member
    I went to LD for preterm contractions and my doctor told me the same thing. Research shows it doesn't stop preterm labor. Another doctor in the practice also told me the same thing. There are definitely times when it is appropriate.
  • Just returned home from the hospital for same reason. 31 weeks. They basically told me that the baby will come early if she wants and there is nothing they can do to stop true labor. So they told me to limit my activities and don't pick up things. Good luck girlie
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