I've been curious on this since I was pregnant with my son but never thought to ask. With him I went into PTL at 31 weeks. I spent a night in the hospital where they stopped the contractions and I saw a high-risk doctor. He sent me home and told me to resume my everyday activities because bed rest does nothing to help or stop PTL and baby will come when he wants. I never asked for more details on it but thought it was odd because I always hear of people on bed rest. And truthfully I didn't believe him and wished at the time he would have prescribed it!
With everything happening on our board lately it reminded me of his statement and I realized I had still never seen anyone post anything about their doctor having the same opinion as mine. Has anyone had a doctor tell them it doesn't help? I just find it interesting that I don't ever hear this side of it and seem to be the only person I know who had a doctor say that.
Re: Anyone questioned bed rest?
I know my lower abdominal area starts cramping if I walk around too much, so my dr tells me to go easy on physical activities (which hasn't stopped me--I'm stubborn). Idk if she tells me this bc I told her about the pain or if there's a medical reason she suggested it.
And now I have orders for bed rest. Bathroom breaks, getting food/water and very limited movement.
I think it all depends on doc and situation. T&P to you and your LO
I have a feeling it depends on the reason you are being put on bed rest too tho
DD1, born 4/10/11 at 32 weeks
Cooking #2