September 2014 Moms


Hi ladies! I was just wondering if anybody has had any experience with cholestasis during pregnancy? They've sent off my bloodwork to test for this, and I'm fairly certain it's going to come back positive based on the symptoms that I'm having. Ugh...the itchy palms and feet is driving me crazy! Any advice on what to expect?!

Re: Cholestasis?

  • Thanks for your feedback! I suspect it's probably going to lead to an early delivery for me as well. Hoping to get some answers on Tuesday!
  • They suspected this with me. I'm so itchy it is driving me bananas. My bloodwork came back fine so basically my OB just isn't concerned. Yay for being itchy for the next 6 weeks :/

    They did say they would stick me on meds and deliver early if my tests came back positive.
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  • I had it with DD and just had my bloodwork today to see if I have it again. It's of absolutely no risk to you whatsoever but does pose a risk to the baby so it's best to get the baby delivered as soon as possible. With DD they induced me the day the bloodwork came back - I was 38 weeks. I am also very anxiously awaiting the results from my test today. From what I understand if I do have it now (31 weeks) they will monitor me very closely and deliver me as early as possible.

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