September 2014 Moms

Anyone else roughening up nips?

My mom told me to roughen up my nipples to prep for breast feeding. I have those exfoliating shower gloves and sometimes (not often) when I'm in the shower, I put them on and rub my nipples for as long as I can stand it, which is probably less than a minute. It hurts! They're super sensitive! 

This is my first. Any experienced breast feeders out there who can tell me if I should keep doing this? I'm 32 weeks tomorrow. How much should I do it to be adequately prepared?
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Re: Anyone else roughening up nips?

  • We discussed this. Consensus: Please leave your nips alone.


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  • People, this is outdated information! Stop roughing up your nips!


  • The baby will roughen them right up for you in the first couple weeks you both are learning how to BF, trust me.
  • Really? It doesn't help? But I heard that breast feeding is hard on your nipples. And my sister tried to breast feed but stopped because her poor nipples looked chewed up and bloody.
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  • AnyMaxAnyMax member

  • What the other ladies said. Use nipple cream. I had no issues. And make sure baby is latched properly.


  • Breastfeeding does hurt, for me it lasted a few weeks, but there is no need to prep your nipples. Your baby will get your nipples just they way they are needed to be for them. Plus they make all types of creams, ice packs, and other things that help with the pain of nursing. Please stop roughing up your nipples, it's pointless.
  • anne0709 said:
    Really? It doesn't help? But I heard that breast feeding is hard on your nipples. And my sister tried to breast feed but stopped because her poor nipples looked chewed up and bloody.
    It does hurt at first as you and baby learn. They don't come out of the womb knowing exactly how to latch on properly and most moms are a bit lost too. My DS gave me some pretty gnarly blood blisters the first couple days. If it hurts for longer than a minute take the baby off and relatch. If you get a proper latch it won't damage your nipples.
  • AR1of2AR1of2 member
    We just discussed this at my bfing class on Tuesday. The lactation consultant also said that is way outdated information (which my mom confirmed!) and is not recommended. According to her it is unnecessary, at best, and harmful (risk of infection), at worst.

  • anne0709 said:

    Really? It doesn't help? But I heard that breast feeding is hard on your nipples. And my sister tried to breast feed but stopped because her poor nipples looked chewed up and bloody.

    It will hurt because your baby is going to be attached to your nips for several HOURS every single day. A few minutes here and there of rubbing your nipples now is going to do NOTHING except hurt you. You can't prepare for it, except by having supplies to help and education to deal with it.

    This is old, bad, advice. It is an old wives' tale. It is pointless, and it WON'T help prevent soreness. Please be kind to your nipples.

    This. Along with everyone else who said something similar. Yes, it hurts at first. I remember being in a ton of pain. But then you both get used to it and figure it out. Please stop.

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  • Aahhhh! This makes my eyes water every single time this comes up! I'm in pain just hearing about it. Please don't continue scrubbing yourself. It will hurt and be uncomfortable at first but will get better, just as everyone else has said.

    If things constantly hurt, seek professional help with evaluating baby's latch or other issues.
  • First thing first... educate yourself on breastfeeding with up to date videos and resources, if not a class. Your mom is from a past generation, the way they did things back then are different.

    Second... please leave your nipples alone, they are able to handle breastfeeding to begin with.

  • You're creeping me out @yuristar.
  • ... if you're brave... google "the great nippulini"

    I better start pulling some shopping carts with my nips! or hanging some weights off of them

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