Pregnant after IF

Pain/Aches Under Ribs

Hi ladies,

I'm hoping that you gals can help me.  The last two nights I've woken from a dead sleep to pain underneath my ribs.  I get up out of bed, walk, stretch, move around and nothing seems to help.  The pain feels like it might be trapped air or gas, but I'm not sure.  Either way, it's miserable.  I'm a side sleeper and use a body pillow to support.  I toss and turn hoping that the pain/ache goes away and it doesn't.  Any suggestions on how to feel better or make the pain go away?
Married on October 20, 2012.  Began trying in January 2013.
RE appointment & testing December 2013 - February 2014= Unexplained IF, possible endometriosis
IUI#1- March 22 (100mg clomid, 75 mg of Bravelle, Ovidrel trigger) = BFP!!!

Re: Pain/Aches Under Ribs

  • I'm definitely not constipated.  I drink metamucil every morning and it helps keep me regular.  The only thing that has changed eating habit wise over the last few days is I've been eating raw carrots and cucumbers.  My diet is pretty much the same.  :(
    Married on October 20, 2012.  Began trying in January 2013.
    RE appointment & testing December 2013 - February 2014= Unexplained IF, possible endometriosis
    IUI#1- March 22 (100mg clomid, 75 mg of Bravelle, Ovidrel trigger) = BFP!!!

  • Not sure if your pain is more organ-related or bone-related (if that makes sense), or if you can tell, but I definitely felt some similar pains starting around 19/20 weeks. It continues today at 34w1d, though it's less often and less severe feeling. It's a sharp and achy pain right in the middle of my ribcage, slightly to the left. It would also wake me up out of a deep sleep early on. My OB said the pain I was feeling was normal, and very likely my ribcage expanding to accommodate baby. I feel it in my back at a similar point, too, especially lately. 

    If this is what you're feeling, too, ice helps a bit. As does grasping the top of a door frame (or a wall, if you can't reach) and leaning forward. It doesn't totally go away, but feels good. 


    Began TTC #1 in Sept. 2010. I was 33, DH was 36.. Dx with DOR and slight MFI (8/4/11).

    Test results (after first RE visit 6/21/11): 7DPO b/w: Progesterone = 11.3; CD3 b/w: FSH = 10.1 mUnits/mL, E2= 52.0 pg/mL, AFC: 6; SIS Ultrasound: Uterus great, tubes clear! AMH: 0.3 

    IUI#1 June 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): BFN 
    IUI#2 July 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): BFN 
    IUI#3 August 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): CP (Beta #1: 4.61, Beta #2: 1.0) 
    IUI#4 October 2012 (Follistim, ovulated before trigger, missed IUI, converted to TI): BFN 
    Jan. 2013 New RE
    IVF #1 June 2013 MDL Protocol. Converted to IUI#4.1. (High E2 and 3+ mature follicles at first monitoring.) BFFN
    IVF #1.2 August 2013 Stop Lupron Protocol with Human Growth Hormone added. 17R, 14M, 9F (with ICSI), 2 embryos (decent quality - grade 2) transferred on day 3, 2 blasts made it to freeze. Beta 8/26. BFFN :'(

    FET #1 December 2013 Last try! Transferred 2 blasts -- graded 3AB and 4BB. Beta #1 (12/27/13) 530. Beta #2 (12/30/13) 1876. BFP! One bean. EDD 9/3/2014!

    We welcomed the most beautiful baby girl into the world on September 11, 2014!


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  • The aches suck.  The reason why I think that it's trapped air or gas is because I can feel a bubbling (like you would in your bowels/intestines) up underneath my ribs.
    Married on October 20, 2012.  Began trying in January 2013.
    RE appointment & testing December 2013 - February 2014= Unexplained IF, possible endometriosis
    IUI#1- March 22 (100mg clomid, 75 mg of Bravelle, Ovidrel trigger) = BFP!!!

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