Ok ladies....my dues date is Sept 10th however as of now I am scheduled for either Sept 3rd (2nd day of school) or Sept 5th. Ideally I'll make it this far...but all of my doctors (OB and high risk OB) are saying the likelihood will be mid August.
I'm completely starting to freak out. My maternity leave is a dear friend and we have been working together all summer to plan. She will also stay on as my TA when I return in late Nov. if baby comes in mid August I am going to try to make an appearance on morning of first day to greet kids and parents and I will definitely attend back to school night in mid September.
My question.... We are required to send welcome letters home to parents and kids prior to first day. How do I address in letter that I may not be there to start the year but will be returning? Does anyone have experience or a letter they have used? Suggestions? I know parents are going to be unhappy.....but 30 kids have to be in my class! Hoping they will understand. I think I am more stressed about this than the actual arrival of my LO!
Re: Any teachers??
I'm planning on saying something similar to what rlyttle said and give them information on both the sub and when I will be back.
I've been working on a binder of information for my sub and luckily my team plans together so they will give him what he needs.
BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16
As for the parent letter, try to remember that they are all parents...just like you. They are going to be totally understanding because they've all been in your shoes! No stress needed for that!!
S14 August Siggy Challenge.....ALL OF THE ALCOHOLS
Last go around I was much less prepared having DS at 35 weeks and having NO planning time together, but at least I started the year with them. I guess that's what has me most unnerved.....I won't start until Dec 1st. We did survive and all went well. Hanging on to the fact that my leave is also my TA so she will be with me all year. Should help with consistency. I will plan on being at open house in late Sept.
I know from experience last time....I won't be thinking about school once baby arrives!
-you have faith in the sub. (that they are knowledgable & are completely capable of the task)
-reassurance that you are coming back (some teachers don't)
-you are ,or will be, in communication with the sub about the learning schedule. And/or that the sub will have a good support system at the school (other teachers of the same subject/grade).
-as a parent, I'd want to know who to contact if I think there's a problem (the sub? Another teacher? An administrator?)
I think addressing parents' concerns will help. I like the idea of mentioning it at open house or in a slide show.
Good luck! I know it's going to be scary, but just remember that this is about you and your baby! Be healthy & do what's best for you & your baby!