September 2014 Moms

Headed to L&D ***updated***

chardonnay24chardonnay24 member
edited July 2014 in September 2014 Moms
I've had a headache on and off for about 4 days so I finally called my midwife this morning. They didn't get back to me until the end of the day and wanted me to get my blood pressure checked. I stopped in at a pharmacy after dinner and my blood pressure is higher than they'd like, so I'm heading into L&D. I'm freaking out a little (okay, a LOT). My parents just left today for a vacation and my ILs leave tomorrow for vacation. I'm having a friend come stay with my 3 year old tonight, but I have no idea what to do if I need bed rest or if I end up delivering soon.

Update: Everything checked out great at L&D! My BP was fine when I checked in and again when I left, no protein in my urine, and baby girl performed (fairly) well on the NST. She was pissed about the monitor and was kicking it furiously when they first hooked me up, so her heartrate was super high (180s/190s) but she calmed down about 10 minutes in and was in the 140s for the rest of the time. Thank you SO MUCH for all the positive thoughts! Seriously, you ladies are the best.

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