Hi all, I saw LilSip0611's announcement and call for someone to take over the checkin. I PM'd her that I'd do it if nobody else had, and figured I might as well start it out for this week. I will probably only be able to do this for another few weeks, since I may be having a C-section on 8/27, so hopefully someone else will step up by then!
This is a weekly check-in for members in their third trimester. You can feel free to join at 28 weeks and we will bid you an excited farewell when you greet your little ones! If you are new, please include your EDD and team in your post.
Congratulations @amwenz (Team Green turned Blue!) and @LilSip0611 (Team Double Pink!) on the arrival of your little ones! Hope the moms and babies are all doing well!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
How far along are you?
Upcoming appointments?
Any updates to share?
How are you feeling?
QOTW: What's your favorite childhood book that you're excited to share with your LO(s)?
**Recent Grads**
**July **
Me: 37 | DH: 38 | Married 9/2012, low AMH, high FSH
First-ever BFP after IUI #4 (Follistim) - Baby Girl born (36w2d) 8/8/2014!
TTC #2 since Feb 2015
BFP 5/4/15
Re: *** 3rd Tri Checkin 7/23/2014 ***
QOTW: I want to share the disney books with my LO. I registered for all of them and will buy them if we don't get them as gifts.
I hope all of you ladies have a wonderful week. Congrats to those moving on and welcome to those who are new to 3rd Tri.
Me:Hypothyroid DH: Type II diabetic. Together since 03/2007, Married 10/2011, D/C bc 10/2011. TTC: 11/2011. Charted BBT and CV along with OPK 10/2011-02/2012 Baseline labs 02/2012 WNL, SA 03/2012: botched sample by lab - destroyed hubby's confidence. 04/2012 Clomid 05/2012 Clomid 06/2012 Clomid 07/2012 Clomid and Ovidrel 08/2012 Ovidrel (I never knew that I was supposed to be monitored while on meds...I never was. I asked for u/s and other tests to see why we weren't getting pregnant, doc just kept giving me meds and telling me to go to his church for a "laying of hands") Stopped all monitoring/testing/temps, etc, Sex became a chore and we started to grow apart. At 12 mos I decided to look for another doc. 02/2013 consult with new doc....3 days later testing began...u/s, all good, HSG: all good, labs: all good, ovulating, etc. Started on Pregnitude. 04/2013 failed attempt for SA, 05/2013 failed attempt SA. 12/2013 SA: 3% morph, abnormal functionality. DH started Pycnogenol. RE consult 01/15/2014.
ALL Welcome
Expecting one baby bean!! EDD: October 3, 2014
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Baby Names"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1a76cc.aspx" alt=" Pregnancy Ticker" border="0" /></a>
12/2011: Finished chemo
5/2013: Cleared for DE IVF
11/13: DEgg IVF#1
8/5/14: Grace was born!
Congrats to the recent grads!!!
How far along are you? 28w5d
Any updates to share? Finally having a lot of "outside" movement. It seems like the babies are moving all the time! The nursery is close to finished- we're painting a dresser and I need to clean out a closet and wash everything. Not much else left!
How are you feeling? Pretty good, but I'm having a hard time finding comfortable positions to lay or sit. Seems like no matter what I do, I'm comfortable for about ten minutes and then need to move. And rolling over isn't exactly the easier thing right now
Me: 32, DH: 34 / TTC since February 2011 / SA: all normal, HSG: all clear! / on Lovenox for anticardiolipid antibodies
4 IUIs with Clomid, Letrozole, and Menopur. All BFN.
9/12: lap / hysteroscopy: found and removed mild endometriosis, cervical polyp, and 2 para-tubular cysts
5/13 IVF #1: Follistim, Menopur, Ganirelix, 10R/4M/4F, ET of 2, 5 cell and 4 cell, no frosties = BFN
12/13 IVF #2 = November / December 2013. Microdose Lupron Protocol: 15R/6M/6F, Froze all 6 due to high E2 and P4
FET 1: Jan 22, 2014 of one 4AB blast and one 3BB blast (3 blasts on ice!)
BFP on HPT 4dp5dt, Beta #1 9dp5dt: 310, Beta #2 11dp5dt: 899
First u/s on 2/17/14: TWINS!!!!! both w/HBs of 114 at 6w3d, HBs 150 and 152 at 7w5d
5/27/2014: Team purple!!!! EDD 10/10/2014 /
Baby Boy 4lbs 1oz, 17 inches
Baby Girl 3lbs 5oz, 16 inches
How far along are you? I'm 39 weeks 2 days
Upcoming appointments? Repeat c section is scheduled for 11:30 tomorrow afternoon! I'm so excited I just can't sleep!
Any updates to share? This month has literally been hell so I'm so sorry I've been MIA. I've decided as long as baby is healthy nothing else matters but I think we've had the worst luck ever in July. LOL!
It started off with back to back ER visits in which my DH fell and broke his elbow to the following day my mom being rushed into emergency surgery for a ruptured appendix. Our back ordered nursery furniture arrived finally, this past Monday, only to be severely damaged on the way here by the incompetent delivery guys. There were a million other small things between those that I could write a book probably. Oh well!
How are you feeling? I'm feeling great! I'm so excited to meet this baby but at the same time sad because I realize this will most likely be my last pregnancy.
QOTW: What's your favorite childhood book that you're excited to share with your LO(s)? I loved all of the Berenstain Bears books when I was little (and my mom kept them all these years). So far DD loves them too, but she loves all books! I hope this baby loves books too.
DD has decided the new baby's name is "Burp" so that's what everyone has been calling the baby now for weeks. I will post Burp's birth story as soon as I can but I can't wait to see if Team Green is Blue or Pink
Thank you again for all of your support and I wish all of you happy and healthy pregnancies and LOs!!
First Time: DD born 3/2011 after trying for two years, LAP, and two IUIs w/ Femera + Ovidrel
This Time: 4/12 Femera IUI #1 BFN, 5/12 Femera + TI BFN, 6/12 Femera + IUI #2 BFN, 7/12 Femera + IUI #3 BFN, 8/12 Follistim IUI #4 BFN
IVF #1: ER 11/5/12 : 17 eggs retrieved/6 fertilized, ET 11/10/12 : 5dt of 2 embies/0 frosties BFN
IVF #2: ER 1/28/13 : 12 eggs retrieved/9 fertilized, ET 2/2/13 : 5dt of 2 embies/0 frosties BFN
IVF #3: ER 4/15/13 : 13 eggs retrieved/7 fertilized, ET 4/18/13 : 3dt of 3 embies/0 frosties BFN
Laparoscopy 5/24/13 : Stage 2 Endo, Scaring, and Both tubes Blocked but successfully Opened
IVF #4 (Clinical Trial): ER 7/22/13 : 15 eggs/8 fertilized, ET 7/25/13 : 3dt of 3 embies/0 frosties BFN
IVF #5: ER 11/4/13 : 13 eggs/12 fertilized, ET 11/9/13 : 5dt of 2 embies/0 frosties BFP!!! Beta 11/20/13 = 447 1 Beautiful Baby! EDD: July 28, 2014
Began TTC #1 in Sept. 2010. I was 33, DH was 36.. Dx with DOR and slight MFI (8/4/11).
Test results (after first RE visit 6/21/11): 7DPO b/w: Progesterone = 11.3; CD3 b/w: FSH = 10.1 mUnits/mL, E2= 52.0 pg/mL, AFC: 6; SIS Ultrasound: Uterus great, tubes clear! AMH: 0.3
IUI#1 June 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): BFN
IUI#2 July 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): BFN
IUI#3 August 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): CP (Beta #1: 4.61, Beta #2: 1.0)
IUI#4 October 2012 (Follistim, ovulated before trigger, missed IUI, converted to TI): BFN
Jan. 2013 New RE
IVF #1 June 2013 MDL Protocol. Converted to IUI#4.1. (High E2 and 3+ mature follicles at first monitoring.) BFFN
IVF #1.2 August 2013 Stop Lupron Protocol with Human Growth Hormone added. 17R, 14M, 9F (with ICSI), 2 embryos (decent quality - grade 2) transferred on day 3, 2 blasts made it to freeze. Beta 8/26. BFFN
FET #1 December 2013 Last try! Transferred 2 blasts -- graded 3AB and 4BB. Beta #1 (12/27/13) 530. Beta #2 (12/30/13) 1876. BFP! One bean. EDD 9/3/2014!
We welcomed the most beautiful baby girl into the world on September 11, 2014!
************** Siggy Warning************
Married August 2012 -- Me (40 yrs old) My husband (45 yrs. old)
RE referral from ObGYN in late Jan. 2013 -- Testing Confirms Unexplained IF
IUI #"s1 - 3 (Femara + IUI) April - June 2013 - all BFN
Decided to do IVF... Began stimming on September 10th! Egg Retrieval 9/20/13. 19 eggs: 6 to mature to freeze after 6 fertilized with ICSI
3 morula stage embryos transferred on 9/25/13.....Beta #1 on 10/4/13/ = 7.5 Beta #2 on 10/6/13 = negative
IVF#2 - Lupron plan (set to begin on 10/28/13) (Planning on thawing and fertilizing our 6 eggs with ICSI as well as all of the mature eggs they retrieve with this fresh cycle.)
Late October 2013 - ectopic pregnancy - methotrexate injection....benched 3 months
CD1 - 12/5/13...Lupron set to start on 12/26/13; CD1 - 1/2/14....Baseline 1/3/14....begin follistim tonight and continue with lupron. (Got my calendar today! IVF#2 is a go!)
ER = 1/14/14 (11 eggs....9 were mature. 9 fertilized. Of the 6 mature eggs we thawed, only 4 fertilized. At this time, we have 13 eggs fertilized and growing. Waiting for news about a 3-day or 5-day transfer.)
ET = 1/19/14 (5dt).....3 blastocysts transferred! (All nine embryos didn't make it to freeze. =( )
Beta #1 = 1/28/14 (2 weeks after ER) BFP! 209 (9dp5dt) EDD 10/7/14
Beta #2 - 1/30/14 (11 dp5dt) 302
Beta #3 - 2/3/14 (15 dp5dt) 1222
Ultrasound set for 2/17/14......TWINS! Twin A - HR 124 bpm; Twin B - HR 126 bpm
Final Ultrasound with RE 3/10/14 - Twin A - HR 176 bpm; Twin B - HR 177 bpm.
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
************** Siggy Warning************
Married August 2012 -- Me (40 yrs old) My husband (45 yrs. old)
RE referral from ObGYN in late Jan. 2013 -- Testing Confirms Unexplained IF
IUI #"s1 - 3 (Femara + IUI) April - June 2013 - all BFN
Decided to do IVF... Began stimming on September 10th! Egg Retrieval 9/20/13. 19 eggs: 6 to mature to freeze after 6 fertilized with ICSI
3 morula stage embryos transferred on 9/25/13.....Beta #1 on 10/4/13/ = 7.5 Beta #2 on 10/6/13 = negative
IVF#2 - Lupron plan (set to begin on 10/28/13) (Planning on thawing and fertilizing our 6 eggs with ICSI as well as all of the mature eggs they retrieve with this fresh cycle.)
Late October 2013 - ectopic pregnancy - methotrexate injection....benched 3 months
CD1 - 12/5/13...Lupron set to start on 12/26/13; CD1 - 1/2/14....Baseline 1/3/14....begin follistim tonight and continue with lupron. (Got my calendar today! IVF#2 is a go!)
ER = 1/14/14 (11 eggs....9 were mature. 9 fertilized. Of the 6 mature eggs we thawed, only 4 fertilized. At this time, we have 13 eggs fertilized and growing. Waiting for news about a 3-day or 5-day transfer.)
ET = 1/19/14 (5dt).....3 blastocysts transferred! (All nine embryos didn't make it to freeze. =( )
Beta #1 = 1/28/14 (2 weeks after ER) BFP! 209 (9dp5dt) EDD 10/7/14
Beta #2 - 1/30/14 (11 dp5dt) 302
Beta #3 - 2/3/14 (15 dp5dt) 1222
Ultrasound set for 2/17/14......TWINS! Twin A - HR 124 bpm; Twin B - HR 126 bpm
Final Ultrasound with RE 3/10/14 - Twin A - HR 176 bpm; Twin B - HR 177 bpm.
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
************** Siggy Warning************
Married August 2012 -- Me (40 yrs old) My husband (45 yrs. old)
RE referral from ObGYN in late Jan. 2013 -- Testing Confirms Unexplained IF
IUI #"s1 - 3 (Femara + IUI) April - June 2013 - all BFN
Decided to do IVF... Began stimming on September 10th! Egg Retrieval 9/20/13. 19 eggs: 6 to mature to freeze after 6 fertilized with ICSI
3 morula stage embryos transferred on 9/25/13.....Beta #1 on 10/4/13/ = 7.5 Beta #2 on 10/6/13 = negative
IVF#2 - Lupron plan (set to begin on 10/28/13) (Planning on thawing and fertilizing our 6 eggs with ICSI as well as all of the mature eggs they retrieve with this fresh cycle.)
Late October 2013 - ectopic pregnancy - methotrexate injection....benched 3 months
CD1 - 12/5/13...Lupron set to start on 12/26/13; CD1 - 1/2/14....Baseline 1/3/14....begin follistim tonight and continue with lupron. (Got my calendar today! IVF#2 is a go!)
ER = 1/14/14 (11 eggs....9 were mature. 9 fertilized. Of the 6 mature eggs we thawed, only 4 fertilized. At this time, we have 13 eggs fertilized and growing. Waiting for news about a 3-day or 5-day transfer.)
ET = 1/19/14 (5dt).....3 blastocysts transferred! (All nine embryos didn't make it to freeze. =( )
Beta #1 = 1/28/14 (2 weeks after ER) BFP! 209 (9dp5dt) EDD 10/7/14
Beta #2 - 1/30/14 (11 dp5dt) 302
Beta #3 - 2/3/14 (15 dp5dt) 1222
Ultrasound set for 2/17/14......TWINS! Twin A - HR 124 bpm; Twin B - HR 126 bpm
Final Ultrasound with RE 3/10/14 - Twin A - HR 176 bpm; Twin B - HR 177 bpm.
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
************** Siggy Warning************
Married August 2012 -- Me (40 yrs old) My husband (45 yrs. old)
RE referral from ObGYN in late Jan. 2013 -- Testing Confirms Unexplained IF
IUI #"s1 - 3 (Femara + IUI) April - June 2013 - all BFN
Decided to do IVF... Began stimming on September 10th! Egg Retrieval 9/20/13. 19 eggs: 6 to mature to freeze after 6 fertilized with ICSI
3 morula stage embryos transferred on 9/25/13.....Beta #1 on 10/4/13/ = 7.5 Beta #2 on 10/6/13 = negative
IVF#2 - Lupron plan (set to begin on 10/28/13) (Planning on thawing and fertilizing our 6 eggs with ICSI as well as all of the mature eggs they retrieve with this fresh cycle.)
Late October 2013 - ectopic pregnancy - methotrexate injection....benched 3 months
CD1 - 12/5/13...Lupron set to start on 12/26/13; CD1 - 1/2/14....Baseline 1/3/14....begin follistim tonight and continue with lupron. (Got my calendar today! IVF#2 is a go!)
ER = 1/14/14 (11 eggs....9 were mature. 9 fertilized. Of the 6 mature eggs we thawed, only 4 fertilized. At this time, we have 13 eggs fertilized and growing. Waiting for news about a 3-day or 5-day transfer.)
ET = 1/19/14 (5dt).....3 blastocysts transferred! (All nine embryos didn't make it to freeze. =( )
Beta #1 = 1/28/14 (2 weeks after ER) BFP! 209 (9dp5dt) EDD 10/7/14
Beta #2 - 1/30/14 (11 dp5dt) 302
Beta #3 - 2/3/14 (15 dp5dt) 1222
Ultrasound set for 2/17/14......TWINS! Twin A - HR 124 bpm; Twin B - HR 126 bpm
Final Ultrasound with RE 3/10/14 - Twin A - HR 176 bpm; Twin B - HR 177 bpm.
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
So I know this is last week's check in and I'm really late but here goes:
TTC on and off since 2005
July 2012: Infertility tests started at OB/Gyn, HSG and HSN all clear
Sept 2012: IUI #1 w/Clomid - BFN
Oct 2012: IUI #2 w/Clomid - cancelled due to cyst
Nov 2012: IUI #3 w/Clomid - BFN
Sept 2013: first appt with RE
Nov / Dec 2013: IVF #1 with ICSI split
Dec 6: Retrieval, 4 retrieved, 2 mature, 1 fertilized
Dec 11: Transferred 1 (Day 5)
Dec 30: HCG Beta, 4980. BFP!
1 little bean!
Dx : DOR
IUI #1 (Follistim switched over to Menopur injections) - BFN
Attempted IUI #2 (Menopur injections only cycle) better response on the Menopur then the Follistim combination treatment cycle however my cycle was still canceled due to my eggs not maturing and follicles not growing enough on a high dose of Menopur (Re said I could try a cycle of comid + ovidrel for an IUI) for my second IUI( praying this works for us)
Clomid + Ovidrel protocol worked still a BFN as a result
Attempted cycle Clomid + Ovidrel protocol for IUI # 3 (Unable to do this cycle due to a cyst)
IUI # 3 Clomid+ Ovidrel protocol - BFP Beta #1 752 Beta #2 1536 Beta #3 3797
EDD 10/27/14
Our sweet baby boy arrived on 9/2/14 TTC # 2 Conceived without help- June 2015 July 2015- Miscarriage ( blighted ovum)March 2016 (ectopic pregnancy)