My baby shower was last weekend and was so much fun! Our in-laws threw us a co-ed bbq and it was a great time, We got a lot of really helpful stuff. A bunch of it, however was not from our registry, and I'm wondering if I really *need* this stuff, or if I should return it.
Also, we will be room-sharing with baby in a crib in our room in our apartment for about a year. We have a decent size apartment but not a ton of storage. Can you tell me what I can live without off this list of stuff I am iffy about or if I need more or less of these items?
I think a lot of these things are cool, but realistically, not sure how much I'll use them. Did you have any of these items and surprisingly get a lot of use of them? How many wraps and recieving blankets do I actually need?! Eek!
Re: The Loot... Do I Need It?
Eta: didn't see the wipe warmer...if anything I'd get rid of that!
7 packs of blankets is a lot, you might return one of each?
If it doesn't get that cold, then return the bundle me.
I wouldn't use a wipe warmer, but some people swear by them.
I think I'd keep the rest of it as it seems pretty useful.
Mom of Boys!!
Baby #1 - 3 years old
Baby #2 - Born 10/1/14
We are also locked into an apartment for the next 9ish months so it can be a tight fit but you can make it work. I actually just converted half of our big closet to hold baby essentials like car seats, swing, extra clothes that we will need but not until he's born and then I will be rotating to put stuff in as I take stuff out.
The high chair isn't necessary for a while but you will need some place for baby to sit and learn to feed himself
The a+a swaddles were a huge hit on the keep toss add thread, but I can't imagine needing 16 of them. What are the prints? You might find some of them go for higher than retail in certain Facebook groups.
Other than that I'm no help. Good luck!
Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
The other stuff could all go as far as I'm concerned.
I had a wipe warmer we used only in the winter months and never had an issue with my girls complaining about the cold ones used elsewhere. If your apartment generally runs warm, you definitely don't need it, but will be very nice if it's drafty or cold in the winter.
I personally would not keep all those A+A blankets. Probably two packs. They are expensive and you could just use cheaper cloth diapers for burp cloths and use the $$ for something else you really need.
I'm struggling with this question too! We have:
1 pack of 4 a + a
2 Miracle Blankets
2 Halo sleep sacks
2 summer infant swaddle me
2 of another kind of wearable blanket
It seems like overkill to me, but I'm not getting rid of anything until I know what does and doesn't work for LO. If the a + a swaddles don't work for swaddling I'll keep them around, but the other stuff - if one doesn't work out I'll return the second I guess?
Exactly this. It's ok for when baby first starts eating baby food if they can sit up sturdy enough. But it's only good for a couple months bc babies get so chunky that their legs won't fit in the holes. DD had ptorticollis I'm not sure how to spell it it's a muscle in the neck that is pulled so tight from how she sat in my belly which caused her to hold her head to that side which made her her sway a little. She would lean over her bumbo then she got so chunky I used it for about 2 months and only a handful if times.
Bumbo we got as a hand me down, we did use and like it but its not a definite keeper per say...breast feeding pillows often do about the same for double duty.
We lived in Marin at that time and putting blankets over baby in stroller/carseat works just fine for keeping them warm on foggy/winter days.
baby #3 arrived in September 2014...cannot get ticker to work no matter what I try!