1st Trimester

Settle on something already!!

I am getting really irritated with my appetite.?

First off, I had my first "middle of the night" hunger attack- I couldn't get back to sleep after I woke up to the sound of my dog causing trouble, and had to go get a bowl of cheerios. It was 7AM- I just thought it was the middle of the night.

Now, after my "breakfast" popsicle, I can't decide what I want to eat. First it was macaroni salad and a sandwich, then I wanted fried chicken. Now I think I want pizza (Papa John's, actually.. I usually don't love their pizza but whatever), but who knows what I'll actually decide to eat after I take a shower. I'm about tired of this jumpy appetite.?

Most days, I either want nothing at all, or everything that pops into my head.

Any food suggestions? You guys could really play with DH, if you're in the mood to cause frustration. Everytime I get a food idea, I yell into the other room "I want ____!" He's starting to get annoyed, I think.?

Re: Settle on something already!!

  • That's right where I am today. Except I was in the midst of making a grilled cheese sandwich and now I want Papa John's pizza...  Thanks Angry

     GL, though.

  • I had Kraft Mac & Cheese and it was yummy!
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  • ... Sorry.. :) Maybe your DH and mine can compare notes..?
  • We're getting pizza for lunch today....I want the pizza so bad that I can smell it!!  ha ha. 
  • imageerino&chrish:
    I had Kraft Mac?& Cheese and it was yummy!

    I could so eat Mac & Cheese and hot dogs..
  • Hm. I have to pick up more PNV today. Maybe I'll just drive around and pull into the first place that makes me drool.?
  • its really bad, but i really want a mcdonalds #2 two cheeseburger with large fries meal!! Yum I have been craving it since last night. Nothing else even tempts me. but pizza sounds great too!!
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  • I'm craving ice cream and sticky buns. I tried to replace it with Strawberries and grapes to make myself feel a little healthier. But I'm probably going to go for the ice cream soon.

    I jump all over the place last night I went from drooling for taco bell to wanting fried chicken and gravy. So we went to cracker barrell. SOOO good.

  • DH is annoyed w/me right now too....as he is on his way back from Olive Garden because I just had to have Capelinni Pomadoro. 

    I hope it still sounds good by the time he gets home : )

  • I want cold stone creamery sweet cream ice cream with strawberries, graham crackers, whipped cream and maybe caramel. 


    I have put it off since last night thinking the craving would pass.  I may have to have it now.


  • LMAO at the Olive Garden run. I told DH on Friday morning, "We are eating Olive Garden for lunch." He had to agree, because usually I ask and this time I told.

    So we get to OG and the wait was 45 minutes. He got annoyed and said, "Ok, I guess," when the lady told him- I said, "We're eating here. Make yourself comfortable." (My first OhHellNo foot down of the pregnancy).

    So we get the meals, I ordered fetuccini alfredo, he got some chicken grill thing. The funny part is, we went because I wanted alfredo, but I gorged myself on two big bowls of salad. The waitress brought us two of those big things of it, DH ate one small plate out of those. I devoured the rest and ate like 4 bites of my alfredo. Next time I'll just pay for the salad and breadsticks meal. I didn't even care about the bread. I just had to have that salad!
  • imagejonsdeedee:

    I want cold stone creamery sweet cream ice cream with strawberries, graham crackers, whipped cream and maybe caramel.?


    I have put it off since last night thinking the craving would pass.? I may have to have it now.


    Doesn't that suck? I keep thinking the same thing- "it will pass." And sometimes it does for a little while but the stupid craving comes back full force a few days later! Or worse, never goes away!
  • I've been eating way too much pizza! I had 3 bowls of yellow rice with green beans the other night. Last night I had spaghetti. After reading about OG, I think I will go there or Carrabba's tonight.

    My problem is I can't eat all day b/c food makes me sick, and then I pig out at night and still feel hungry no matter how much I eat. I'm trying to eat fresh veggies and fruits, but they go bad so quickly, and I feel bad sending DH to the store every day when as soon as he gets home I no longer want waht I requested. 

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  • imageannibes:

    I want cold stone creamery sweet cream ice cream with strawberries, graham crackers, whipped cream and maybe caramel. 


    I have put it off since last night thinking the craving would pass.  I may have to have it now.


    Doesn't that suck? I keep thinking the same thing- "it will pass." And sometimes it does for a little while but the stupid craving comes back full force a few days later! Or worse, never goes away!


    I caved.  It was the best thing EVER!!!

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