had my nt scan today was not given any numbers but hes very active nasal bone is as it should be and i got to watch him for almost 2! Hours! Since he wouldnt behave for the measurements or stay still at all it took 3 rounds and plenty of walking around time before we got what we needed and a decent pic! Altogether it took about 3 hours for it all to be done. placenta is posterior which explains why i fell him moving all the time. Well that and he is hyper and this is my 4th. Due date has been changed from jan 31 to feb 1st but i think im going to stay with you january moms if thats ok since i always deliver 3.5-2 weeks early anyway . First pic was round one wouldnt stay still. Second pic is from round 3
Re: Nt scan done!
Congrats! ehhh you don't want to go over to the Feb 2015 crew...they haven't even made it through their 1st trimester...Stay with us!
I hope everything pans out well from your test results!