September 2014 Moms

Can't sleep

Can't sleep, nothing is really helping

Re: Can't sleep

  • Right there with ya...ugh. (:|
  • Yeah...I'll join the club. And I'm hungry :( I created an email address for LO so I sent him an email, thanking him for having me up in the middle of the night. 

    TTC #1 Since October 2012
    DX PCOS May 2013
    Clomid 50-150mg- No Response
    Moved to RE October 2013
    Nov. 2013: IUI #1 Letrozole + Ovidrel = BFN
    Dec. 2013: IUI #2 Letrozole + Ovidrel= BFP on 1/8/2014 !! EDD 9/17/2014
    Beta #1 (12 dpo): HCG 27, Progesterone 15 (starting on supplements)
    Beta #2 (15 dpo): HCG 297, Progesterone 29
    Beta #3 (17 dpo): HCG 667, Progesterone 34
    1st Ultrasound 1/28 (6 weeks + 1) Baby measuring exactly as it should, HB 118!
    2nd Ultrasound 2/5 Baby measuring 7w4d, HB 133. Everything looks perfect!
    3rd Ultrasound 4/29 (A/S) Our Baby BOY is measuring perfectly and everything looked great! HB160
    Diagnosed with Pre-E at 36 weeks, placed on bed rest, induction schedule for 37 weeks. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #2 on 7/30/15 EDD 4/7/16 MC @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3 on 7/23/16 EDD 3/30/16
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  • I'm awake too. Not fun.
    BabyFruit Ticker  
  • Joining you..I've had heartburn so bad all night I feel like I'm going to throw up. I haven't gotten any good sleep at all third tri :(
  • Been up and down the last 2 hrs. Feels more like I'm napping at night than sleeping.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I was borderline insomniac last night.. but then H decide he was an insomniac too and started tossing and turning. We put on BB afterdark and watched the houseguests wash dishes... I was way too entertained watching people do mundane tasks. And then once they started talking strategy, I fell asleep... lmao

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • I have not been able to sleep my entire third tri. I sleep (nap) for at the most two hours and then I am up for 2 hours. This goes on and on all night long. I am a teacher and have been off work all summer, but school starts in two weeks and I honestly don't know how I am going to be able to work with no sleep.
  • I am in the same boat. It is 3am and I cant sleep. Between pelvis pain, back pain, heartburn, and shortness of breath its just impossible. So far this third trimester is a whole lot worse than the first! Hope we all can get get through it in one piece!
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