March 2015 Moms

Worrying Driving your Husband Nuts??

I am constantly worrying if something is wrong based on a self-evaluation of my symptoms and if something I eat / use / am around is going to harm the baby. I am constantly asking for reassurance from my hubby. He is trying to be patient but I can tell I am annoying him with all my worries. Is anyone else worrying about everything too? Have you found anything to help minimize the worry? I haven't told anyone I am pregnant, so he is the only one I can worry too :).

Re: Worrying Driving your Husband Nuts??

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    Try writing in a journal maybe? Or getting a hobby to occupy you mind?
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    BFP! June 25, 2014        EDD: 3/4/15
    Married May 2011 
    Me 27 -- DH 31 
    Loving parents of 2 beautiful chihuahuas 
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    I actually have that book and found it to be super helpful. I have done a ton a research (google is my friend and enemy :) ), but the last few things I have been worried: 1. I used Listerine for the past few weeks and just realized it has alcohol in it (duh?)...freaking out, 2. Had spotting, 3. boobs are fluctuating some days they look/feel super pregnant and sometimes back to normal and 4. worried about a miscarriage due to symptoms. I wish I could go to the doctor weekly to make sure everything is okay....first pregnancy so everything is new to me. 
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    Jenspin73 said:
    I actually have that book and found it to be super helpful. I have done a ton a research (google is my friend and enemy :) ), but the last few things I have been worried: 1. I used Listerine for the past few weeks and just realized it has alcohol in it (duh?)...freaking out, 2. Had spotting, 3. boobs are fluctuating some days they look/feel super pregnant and sometimes back to normal and 4. worried about a miscarriage due to symptoms. I wish I could go to the doctor weekly to make sure everything is okay....first pregnancy so everything is new to me. 
    1. Listerine is fine as long as you aren't chugging it down. Pregnant women are still able to have a glass of wine a day so this is just a silly worry.
    2. Spotting is normal. As long as you aren't filling a pad an hour, it is normal.
    3. Boobs fluctuating is completely normal from day to day as well as boob to boob. 
    4. I can't say anything to comfort you on this BUT you can purchase a fetal heart rate monitor to check on baby whenever you want to. I know a lot of women who have bought these because they couldn't stop worrying either and it really helped them. 
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    ark83ark83 member
    Worrying is common during pregnant but it shouldn't be all consuming. Pregnancy and babies are not extremely fragile. Think of it this way, women's bodies are literally MADE FOR this. We have been doing this since the beginning of time!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Thanks for all your supportive comments:). I think I will stick to posting within our birth club month...1st trimester board is brutal!!
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    Thanks for sharing jessuhmarie! This definitely makes me feel better. We can drive ourselves nuts with the fluctuating symptoms and self diagnosis. So happy your ultrasound went well today! I go to my 8 week next Monday...the time couldn't go slower. Thanks for sharing :) 
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