We have been in our house for about a year and a half now. We didn't really start talking to our neighbors until a few months ago. Last week we took the kids out front to play in the hose. The neighborkids came over. I'm fine with this. Now for the past 3 days they have rang my doorbell at least 4 times asking if DD can come play. I tell them no it is too hot and they keep ringing the damn doorbell. It is at least 100 degrees outside. I took her outside for an hour to see if it would get them to stop coming to my door.
We went out and the one kid has to constantly touch DD. Hold her hand, hug her, pick her up. I tell him to stop and let her play, but he keeps doing it. I took my kids in. Half hour later they ring my doorbell.
Do I talk to the parents? It doesn't seem like they are too involved so I don't think it would help much. They can't keep ringing the bell though. It wakes up the kids, wakes up DH and makes my dogs bark.
I really just needed to vent. Thanks ladies.
Re: Neighbor Kids Vent
Seriously though I would suggest trying to talk to the parents first. I wish I would have done that right away. Our old neighbors sent their kids out all the time and never had supervision for them. The 5 and 6 yr old were constantly I'm everyone's garages and playing with their toys. It drove me nuts! Looking back from the get go I would have gone over to introduce myself and say, "maddie is more than welcome to come play with us if someone wants to come out and watch her." Towards the end we kept telling her that we weren't playing with friends right now because she wouldn't play nice with our kids.
Good luck!
Once in awhile the uncle will "supervise", but not really.
This family had 7 kids with another on the way...and the oldest 3 always had to either come outside to get the other 2 younger ones or stay outside with the younger 2 and the "baby" who was a few months younger than my 2 yr old. I felt bad for the older ones that had to go take care of maddie. She would wander down to other yards and start jumping on people's trampolines! It just amazed me how they let her go wherever. We live in a small town and have our own little neighborhood because of the townhouses but still, you never know what can happen these days! I'd be out with my kids all afternoon and they never poked their head out once to check on her.
Eta: until the week they moved I didn't know anyone's name but maddie's, then I learned 2 other names. Everyone knew maddie bc she was into everyone's things !
TTC since 8/2010 (off BCP since 8/2009) Unexplained Infertility
12/10/2012 U/S #1 6w4d - heartbeat EDD 8/1/13
1/18/14 2:11am Abigial Morgan is here! 5lbs 14oz and 18 inches of pure cuteness!!!