September 2014 Moms

Breast Pumps--Suggestions?

Help! I'm supposed to order one 30 days before due date through insurance-- but researching doesn't help-- all I see are stats! Any specific recommendations?

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Re: Breast Pumps--Suggestions?

  • Have you called to see which ones are covered? I called and it was either Ameda or Medela. I chose the Medela PISA.
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  • I got the Medela double electric pump last time through insurance and I loved it. Mine came with a manual pump in case but I mainly used mine for work so the electric was easier.

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  • There were 5 or 6 that were available through my insurance and I'm trying to decide between the Medela Advanced and the Ameda Purely Yours. I think I'm going with the Ameda...both have great reviews and seem to be pretty comparable...but the Ameda is a closed system and seemed more hygienic to me.
    Check out the Baby Bargains book...even if you just go to the book store and read the section on breast pumps's really informative and compares the major brands. It'll help you narrow your choices down.
    Also, like PP asked, what models does your insurance cover? All of our advice is moot if the models that we mention aren't even on the table.
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  • My insurance offers a Medela PIS or Ameda. After several friends were really disappointed with the Ameda and ended up buying Medelas out of pocket, I'm decided.
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  • My cousin is currently fb and pumping with a medela pisa. This is her 3rd baby with the pump and the first two were twins. She pumped without supplementing for 6mos with that pump for the twins (and they are big boys!) I didn't pump with my older kids but I'm going with this pump through insurance. I saw how much she used that Pisa and it's still going strong!
  • Check and see what your insurance covers. Mine will pay for the Medela PISA, Ameda Purely Yours, or Hygeia Q. They all had similar reviews, but I ultimately settled on the Medela PISA. I used that one with my son and loved it. I did have one issue with it but Medela customer service was wonderful and overnighted a replacement right away. I also like Medela because all the accessories are readily available to purchase locally.

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  • Thank you all for the advice! The last time I called the insurance company-- the woman on the phone wasn't very friendly-- probably having a bad day--- but I was too hormonal to stay on the line and get the answers I needed. I will try again Monday. I have looked at the medela line of products-- and have heard great things from most people!
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