January 2014 Moms


So, I posted a few days ago about losing my daycare. Today we interviewed with a woman that we really liked. She is close to our house, flexible with dates (we only need care one day a week which is tough), affordable, licensed and has been in business for 17 years. The one issue is that two years ago during a surprise inspection they found a box of ammo locked in the gun closet in their garage. Her husband hunts and had just returned home from a trip. He locked everything up in the gun closet and but forgot to take the ammo out of his hunting belt. I have a huge problem with this but being human I can see how it can happen. Because of this they have been on somewhat of a probation and subject to surprise inspections every 3-4 months which they have passed with flying colors. Their "probation" is up in 2 months. This is the only infraction she has had in 17 years and the guns now stay locked in the detached garage while the bullets are locked upstairs in the master bedroom where the children NEVER go. She was very straightforward and told us all the details and even has the inspection report posted so we could read it and ask questions.  I am very anti-gun but I realize that some people have them. Our last daycare that we LOVED was a military household and they probably had a gun too we just didn't know about it.  

So my question is this. If this was the only issue with a care provider that you otherwise liked would it be a deal breaker? 


  • @mrspharmd
    Nope you wouldnt go there or nope it isnt a deal breaker?
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  • It wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. 
  • rcultrona said:


    Nope you wouldnt go there or nope it isnt a deal breaker?
    Nope, it wouldn't be a deal breaker.
  • Not a problem for me.
  • Wouldn't be a deal breaker.
  • It wouldn't be an issue for me either.
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  • ccip82ccip82 member
    I'm not a big fan of guns either and this would not bother me because of how she explained and responded to the infraction. She was extremely forthcoming and transparent. It's not like she kept the info from you or skirted around it. 



    sibling love  

  • Wouldn't bother me at all. Like others said, she is being incredibly upfront and honest about the infraction and and what they've done to fix that.

  • Also not a gun fan but I like how honest and open they are about this. Also, because of the infraction they are likely extra careful about the safe storage of the guns and ammo, which is a good thing.

    It mostly just depends on your comfort level. If I'm being honest I don't think I would be comfortable leaving LO in any home with a gun (but that's mostly because I am not comfortable with guns in general). However if you're ok with guns it sounds like they are very responsible with the safe storage of the ones they have. I don't see this being a deal breaker.
  • Wouldn't be an issue at all for me. She was honest about it and told you before you found out and coming from a military household and a hunting household that mistake is easy to make, at least it was all locked up.
  • not a deal breaker for me

  • Not a deal breaker at all. I appreciate her honesty about issues in the past.


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  • Not a deal breaker for me, either. Their transparency is awesome and would make me feel more at ease knowing that they are responsible people. 
  • Wouldnt do it. Def not ok
  • itsmeally said:
    I think they're being very honest.  I'm not "pro-gun" by any means, but my husband is a police officer, so we have guns and ammo in our home.  However, they are in a double-locked safe and no where near where the baby can get to it.  We are very responsible about them, and it sounds like these people are too.  I think they are being up front with you and sound like educated gun owners.  However, that being said, if you have a bad "gut feeling" about it in any other way, I would say no.  That doesn't sound like the case though.  Do they have any references from other parents?  Do you know anyone else that has used them that you can ask?
    They were referred by a friend so that's a plus. She gave me references but I haven't called yet. She does a "class picture" every year of her kids and many of them have been with her for years so I think that speaks highly of her as a caregiver. 
  • rcultrona said:

    So my question is this. If this was the only issue with a care provider that you otherwise liked would it be a deal breaker? 

    I didn't read any other responses yet. Going back to do that now.
  • ccip82ccip82 member
    Wouldnt do it. Def not ok

    Can you elaborate further? 



    sibling love  

  • precious72381precious72381 member
    edited July 2014
    From what you posted you seem against the idea of them having the gun in the house. I say go with your instinct. I know it is hard when you are in a bind but don't go with it because the hours work out, you can keep looking, I hope. Don't just settle. Or maybe give it a trial run and see how it goes for a few weeks. Maybe you will find it is the perfect fit. Personally, I would be hesitate. Of course, others may not even tell you there are guns in the house but I would feel uneasy about it. I agree that it was a careless mistake that I'm sure they are super careful about now and that is great but I don't think I would put Abby in daycare knowing there were guns in the house. This stuff is what scares me about home daycares. Not that I'm against them but those are the chances you take.

    I'm 33 DH is 36 
    Married 6/27/2009 Together since 10/22/2005
    TTC since 8/2010 (off BCP since 8/2009) 
    Unexplained Infertility
    8/2011, 1/2012, 3/2012 IUI #1-3 BFN 
    6/2012 IVF#1 BFN, 8/2012 IVF#2 FET BFN, 11/2012 IVF#3 BFP
    12/10/2012 U/S #1 6w4d - heartbeat  EDD 8/1/13 
    12/26/2012 U/S #2 8w6d - No more heartbeat, MMC; D&C; Chromosome testing normal; male :( RPL testing normal 
    4/3/2013 DX Asherman's Syndrome caused by D&C, hysteroscopy done
    June 2013 IVF #4 planned 
    5/12/2013 SURPRISE BFP! Natural cycle 
    7/11/2013 Panorama results Normal!!! Team Pink, partial previa moved up in 2nd tri9/5/13 (19w) AS scan shows short cervix, 2.5 cm 9/19 (21w)  Cervix is worse 1.87cm, bed rest 10/26 & 10/27 steroid shots 12/19 (35w) DX: SGA Baby went from 57% percentile to 18th percentile in 6 weeks. Weekly BPP and NST until she is here. 1/17/18 Growth scan puts Abby below 10th percent in size, low amniotic fluid, and less movement. Time to induce!
    1/18/14 2:11am Abigial Morgan is here! 5lbs 14oz and 18 inches of pure cuteness!!!

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  • ccip82 said:
    Wouldnt do it. Def not ok

    Can you elaborate further? 
    @ccip82, you read my mind. I was wondering the same thing.
  • Sorry to be short before. I would just not even want my child in a daycare anywhere near a gun - detached garage or not. I dont care that the kids never go there. There is a first for everything and u read way too many stories about kids randomly finding guns and accidentally shooting themselves (or someone else). OP already said she had a huge problem with it so I would just go with your instinct. It sounds like you wouldn't be comfortable.
  • Sorry to be short before. I would just not even want my child in a daycare anywhere near a gun - detached garage or not. I dont care that the kids never go there. There is a first for everything and u read way too many stories about kids randomly finding guns and accidentally shooting themselves (or someone else). OP already said she had a huge problem with it so I would just go with your instinct. It sounds like you wouldn't be comfortable.

    Now I'm curious, are you a sahm? Or does your child go to a center daycare?

    If your child goes to an in home daycare did you ask if they have guns?

    I echo the pp's that mentioned the provider was upfront and since has passed checks with flying colors.

    To me the honesty displayed would speak volumes on the integrity of the provider.

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  • Roses87Roses87 member
    edited July 2014
    Did u find the violation yourself out did she mention it to you or both? The fact that she mentioned it and explained everything would make be feel a little better. I am very anti gun tho, I honestly don't know if i would be ok with LO being there. I guess I would have to be put in the situation and it would depend how much I liked the person.

    My sil and husband have multiple guns. Hand, shot and automatic rifle and also knives. I personally feel they are not very careful. When she was living at my in-laws I would walk by her room and the gun would be lying on her bed. I also found out lying across the couch. I actually left before when she started cleaning it with everyone there out in the open. Loaded or not loaded accidents happen, bullets get forgotten in there. It is very thoughtless to do something like that.

    These actions got her a ticket to never having my kids alone at her house.

    Edit to fix words
    BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
    BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
    Its a surprise! Team green!

  • Roses87 said:
    Did u find the violation yourself out did she mention it to you or both? The fact that she mentioned it and explained everything would make be feel a little better. I am very anti gun tho, I honestly don't know if i would be ok with LO being there. I guess I would have to be put in the situation and it would depend how much I liked the person. My sil and husband have multiple guns. Hand, shot and automatic rifle and also knives. I personally feel they are not very careful. When she was living at my in-laws I would walk by her room and the gun would be lying on her bed. I also found out lying across the couch. I actually left before when she started cleaning it with everyone there out in the open. Loaded or not loaded accidents happen, bullets get forgotten in there. It is very thoughtless to do something like that. These actions got her a ticket to never having my kids alone at her house. Edit to fix words
    She told us about it first and then directed us to where she had it posted. She also offered us a copy and the phone numbers of the parents whose kids she was caring for at the time so we could talk to them about their feelings on the situation. I don't think my gut is telling me it is a bad situation, I think I am just prejudice against people with guns and I'm trying not to be.
  • 3peat said:
    I am confused- the ammo was locked or left out? As long as everything is locked a-okay.
    The ammo was locked in with the guns, they are supposed to be locked separately.
  • Thanks everyone. I am feeling better after your responses. I spoke with her again and asked for specifics about the storage and here is what she said:

    "Yes, both (the guns and ammo) are locked up. The guns are upstairs in our attic in a cabinet which is behind a door in our closet and blocked by our clothes and suitcases. The ammo is in the garage on the top shelf above our freezer in metal ammo boxes. The metal boxes are in a cabinet that has a padlock"

    She also offered to show us the storage the next time we are there.  I called the county and that was the only infraction she had and has had no other complaints. The only other note on her record was a medical emergency where a child had a seizure while under her care. She reported it to the state as required and the file stated that she handled the situation in a very satisfactory manner.
  • If the ammo was locked up and not left out I don't see any problem. Even if it was with the guns it was still locked up. It honestly sounds like they are responsible gun owners.
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