Ok so my little man is happily gaining and is a big boy as it is (6 months and 21 lbs!). He is EBF and has been since birth. I know I need to start introducing solids soon but need some advice. He is always happy and seems to get plenty from BM and sleeps through the night. He is interested now when we are eating and grabs for things more.
Do I HAVE to start with cereal? Can I just start with a veggie puree (I'm going to make my own baby food for him)?
There are so many different things out there on it I just need some opinions.
(in my opinion I don't want him starting solids because that means he's a big boy and not a baby anymore!
Re: starting solids... help!!
This part answers your question and is what I did "
Baby Food Purees
Contrary to what most people think, you definitely do not have to start your baby off on cereal (I may have mentioned this already ;-)).
A plain puree of a single root vegetable mixed with your baby's normal milk/formula is an excellent first food. I recommend sweet potatoes because BABIES LOVE SWEET POTATOES, y'all. They just do.
For the first couple of weeks, I suggest introducing some or all of the following foods (again, just for simplicity sake, there are MANY others you can feed them as well).
Because they are sweet(ish) like breastmilk and formula (but not too sweet), these foods have a very high success rate as first foods. Once your baby decides that eating is cool, we can quickly move onto more challenging foods."
TTC since 8/2010 (off BCP since 8/2009) Unexplained Infertility
12/10/2012 U/S #1 6w4d - heartbeat EDD 8/1/13
1/18/14 2:11am Abigial Morgan is here! 5lbs 14oz and 18 inches of pure cuteness!!!
I give her a little rice cereal in the morning mostly because that is what I eat (I'm celiac) and she eats a few bites and that's it.
She still only eats 1-2 table spoons of food a day and never finishes a jar of food over the course of 3 days, but she seems to be enjoying it.
We're doing BLW so I just give him whatever we're having in stick like pieces so he can grab it and gnaw on it. Last night we had pizza and he chewed on breadsticks and pizza crust. He really just moves it around his mouth and ends up spitting it out.
With my dd I did the introducing 1 food at a time and started with avacado, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, green beans, etc. This being #3 I haven't even bothered with 1 food at a time, we have no food allergies so now I just give him some of whatever we're eating.
If you're interested in BLW I got most of my info here: www.babyledweaning.com
ETA: fixed link
Married: 9.22.12 - DD: 1.7.14 - EDD 2: 10.30.17 - J14 OG