January 2014 Moms

Reaction to 6 month shots?

My poor girl has been running a high fever (up to 103) all day. We just had her 6 month check up with the standard vaccines 2 days ago. We went back to the doctor today where they did several tests (blood, urine, strep)...it was terrible!! After everything we were no closer to a real answer or treatment. So we're back home and instructed to give Tylenol or Motrin if her fever goes above 101 - which it has. They insisted that it is not a reaction to the vaccines but I can't help but wonder.
We have followed the delayed shot plan by Dr. Sears for her 2 and 4 month shots but couldn't split them up for 6 month shots due to insurance changes.
Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem?? How long did the fever last? Was it high?
We'll be going back on Sunday if it hasn't gone away by then.

Re: Reaction to 6 month shots?

  • Lurking from D13 here....hand, foot & mouth is like an epidemic where I'm from and it starts with a high fever...just a thought.

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  • nolagal79nolagal79 member
    edited July 2014
    I'm wondering if she was exposed to another sick child in the pedi office and that's the culprit and not the vaccines?
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  • My DD didn't have any reaction to shots before the 6th month shots (on Tuesday).  She was very fussy and had 100 degree fever for 2 days.  She seems back to normal today.
  • I was also thinking hand foot and mouth disease- its rampant up here in the NE. Half of my husband's coworkers have come down with it after catching it from their own kids or other people in the office. 

    But there is also the issue of the delayed vaccination schedule that @itsmeally mentioned. I really do hope your child is ok and hasn't contracted one of these diseases. We haven't had our 6mo shots yet, but DD has not had a reaction to any of her shots other than fussiness for about a day. There is a wide range of normal reactions to vaccines, but 2 days of 103 temp does not seem like a typical reaction to me. 
  • DD always gets a bit fussy and has trouble falling asleep the day of shots, but hasn't had any other issues. I agree with others, more likely she picked something up from the pedi's office.
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