September 2014 Moms

Is anyone else having a natural birth in a birthing center/hospital?

I am planning to have a natural birth in a birth center with a midwife. As long as everything goes smoothly that is. I'm getting nervous because this is baby #1 and don't know what to expect. Is anyone else having a natural birth?

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Re: Is anyone else having a natural birth in a birthing center/hospital?

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  • I am! I'm nervous too but my midwife/doula team at our birth enter have been SO amazing. A fair amount of our education has been about acceptance that sometimes their births end in a hospital transfer (with the doula staying with you) and that does t mean your a failure, and to accept that interventions may have to happen... But for the most part it's been so empowering. My husband has been so so involved and welcomed in as well. Mostly I'm nervous about coming home so early.

    We aren't doing a specific pain management technique just the stuff we've learned in class. Are you doing any extra classes?
  • JD83JD83 member
    I can't offer any experience and am planning on delivering at a hospital, but I think you're making a wise decision to go with a birth center and will probably have a very positive experience there. Even DH understands why so many women are choosing the path you have and if our insurance covered a birth center, we probably would do the same. Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll do great!
  • I am planning a natural birth at a birthing center inside a hospital. Last time I had a med-free birth inside a hospital as well but it was in the L&D unit. We prepared by taking a 6-week birthing class (2.5 hrs each class) which I think was the mental preparation we needed to go through with it, especially for DH. Because I had a prepared partner and a midwife who stayed with me the entire time, I chose not to use a doula. If I were doing it without a prepared partner and with an OB, I would definitely recommend getting a doula to help you.

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  • I am planning a med free VBAC in a hospital. I am currently studying hypnobabies and have hired a doula. I am being very proactive since I have had 2 c-sections, lots of research and reading. 
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  • Yes, I am having. VBAC at a birthing center, as long as Sprout flips! At my last appointment he/she was breech and posterior.
  • I am planning a med free birth in a hospital.

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  • I plan to have a med free birth at a birthing center. The staff there is amazing and all of my doctors are WONDERFUL. I'm a FTM so I'm not 100% sure what exactly I'm getting into and most of my family isn't so supportive as none of them except my grandmother and godmother have had med free births. Everyone other than them is trying very hard to convince me into just getting the epidural. Luckily I have the most supportive SO of all time, and he's been so active in the 6 classes we've taken so far and there's one more in our series and it just so happens to fall on the one day he'll be home before flying out to NC for 4 weeks. I'm so nervous that he will miss the birth and he's the only one who is as prepared as I am for it
    SD (11/2010)
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  • I am also planning on a med free birth at the hospital.

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  • Planning a med-free birth at a hospital. Shared our birth plan with our OB and she was on board as long as baby and I are doing well. 
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  • I am planning a med free VBAC in a hospital. I am currently studying hypnobabies and have hired a doula. I am being very proactive since I have had 2 c-sections, lots of research and reading. 

    @MrsKasel10‌ I'm both impressed and curious abt going for a vbac after 2 csections. I've had 2 csections, and while I tried for vbac with DD2, this time my doctors said the risk of hemorrhaging and rupturing is too high, they won't let me even try. Good luck to you! I hope you get the birth you want. I wish I could try.
  • Trying for a med-free birth in the hospital with a midwife if we make it that far, but will try for med-free with the OB if before 36 weeks. I have a doula and a supportive husband. I have been doing alot of reading as well since we couldn't fit in a local Bradley method class. I have also been listening to several hypnobirthing podcasts that have helped me relax a bit.
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  • I've only reciently decided to use a midwife with my natural birth. I'm taking a natural childbirth class and meeting weekly with a midwife.
  • We are going for a med free birth at a hospital, and we switched to a mid wife rather than an OB and we hired a doula. We are also studying Hypnobirthing. I feel like good preparation helps, but I'm a FTM so we will see how it goes. Good luck to all the moms!!
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