September 2014 Moms

~*~Friday Ticker Change~*~

Happy Friday!

1) How many weeks are you/ how big is baby?

2) How are you feeling?

3) Any news/ upcoming appointments/ milestones?

4) GTKY: What experience from your childhood are you most excited about sharing with this LO?
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies

Re: ~*~Friday Ticker Change~*~

  • 1) 30 weeks - cucumber (anyone else's Bump homepage not updating to a new week right away?)

    2) Tired, hungry at night when I'm trying to sleep, and getting heartburn. Yay! LO has been doing weird stretches and stuff where it feels like my bump should be inflating like a balloon.

    3) Next appointment is Wednesday. NBR, my promotion came through!

    4) BOOKS. All the books. Spot, Eric Carle, Henry & Mudge, fairy tales, dinosaur books, family books, Narnia, Young Wizards, Enchanted Forest, all of it. I don't care what DH does, this kid is going to love to read.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies

  • 1. 30 Weeks Cucumber

    2. Have been getting soreness in my ribs, mostly later in the day after working and cooking and cleaning.  DH is taking on some more stuff which is great and I've been resting inbetween which is hard for me.  I'm very active and laying around watching someone else do stuff is mentally difficult

    3. Tomorrow is my shower.  Super grateful to my MIL who planned it.  But NBR, DH is going on second shift starting Monday and I'm seriously dreading that

    4. I have to second the books.  We are both huge readers.  MIL actually put a poem in the shower invites that said something like cards are great but only read once but a book would be read more.  Of course her poem is written out better but I thought it was a great idea to get a mix of books that other people remember from their childhood.  We already got one from someone who can't come tomorrow but wanted to give us a few things, it's called I love you Stinky Face.  DH & I laughed so hard reading it, can't wait to read it to LO

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • amy006amy006 member
    @bainidhedup Mine doesn't update until Saturday! 

    1) How many weeks are you/ how big is baby?
     31 weeks, Pineapple
    2) How are you feeling?
    I have a sore throat and cough :( Other than that, good! 
    3) Any news/ upcoming appointments/ milestones?
    Super excited for my baby shower tomorrow! 
    4) GTKY: What experience from your childhood are you most excited about sharing with this LO?
    Travelling! I can't wait to experience vacations with my own little family :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker   Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1) How many weeks are you/ how big is baby? 31 weeks and holy freaking crap.

    2) How are you feeling?
    My energy completely TANKED this week, I've got terrible legs, but otherwise okay.

    3) Any news/ upcoming appointments/ milestones?
    I haven't been in since 28w, so I should probably make an appointment.

    4) GTKY: What experience from your childhood are you most excited about sharing with this LO?
    I guess we've done so many of these with our three oldest now, I can't even separate an experience, but unlike my childhood, I'm most excited to provide our family with stability and two committed parents.
    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • 1.)  32 weeks, Squash!

    2.)  My energy is also down the drain.  This back/hip pain is going to drive me insane, thinking I'll be giving in and going to the chiropractor tomorrow.

    3.)  Next appt is next Thursday, no other milestones.

    4.)  I'm the most excited about being a family and doing family things together: vacations, zoos, etc.
  • 1) How many weeks are you/ how big is baby? 30 Weeks Cucumber

    2) How are you feeling?  Feeling good over all.  Having right side hip pain at night, and feeling bloated during the day, but good over all.

    3) Any news/ upcoming appointments/ milestones?  Not too much going on.  We have an appointment on the 31st.  Last week we got a growth ultrasound and repeat echocardiogram both which turned out well.  LO is over 3lbs now and looks good.

    4) GTKY: What experience from your childhood are you most excited about sharing with this LO?  Id have to say holidays. My DH and I are crazy about Christmas, and our families both have really fun traditions and parties around Thanksgiving and Christmas.
    Im also excited to teach him how to cook.  I think it would be cool to have my own little soux chef in the kitchen with me :-)
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

  • Happy Friday!

    1) How many weeks are you/ how big is baby?30 weeks baby is the size of a cucumber
    2) How are you feeling? Feeling really good at this point

    3) Any news/ upcoming appointments/ milestones? We have started our 2 week appointments and have a u/s scheduled for 7/30

    4) GTKY: What experience from your childhood are you most excited about sharing with this LO?
    I can't choose there are so many that I can't wait to share with LO

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    BabyFetus Ticker

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

  • 1) How many weeks are you/ how big is baby?
    33weeks, durian.

    2) How are you feeling?
    Been wearing down faster so cut my in office hours back. Kankles appearing earlier in day than before :( Pepsi Complete has been a godsend for my reflux/heartburn.

    3) Any news/ upcoming appointments/ milestones?
    Breastfeeding class tomorrow and 34 week appt on Tues. SILs shower is Sunday (appt ready had mine....she's due 2 weeks after me)

    4) GTKY: What experience from your childhood are you most excited about sharing with this LO?
    Holiday traditions.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1. 33 weeks, the size of a durian
    2. Heartburn is still annoying, and sleep is lacking because it's hard to get comfortable 
    3. Just had 32 week checkup, pretty standard appointments for the next couple weeks
    4. Family activities such as strawberry and apple picking, fair trips, and vacations 
  • 1) 31 weeks. A pineapple.

    2) Starting to get uncomfortable dependent on how she's laying/moving, and can definitely tell she's getting bigger in there. But, overall, feeling pretty good.

    3) We have a growth ultrasound and the 32 week appointment next Tuesday. I cannot wait to see how big baby girl has gotten, and really hope we get a shot of her face again.

    4) As some of the PP mentioned, books. My dad read to me every night as a child, and I want to do that for DD. They are some of my fondest memories, and I still love reading today. Also, Christmas traditions. There are so many things we did growing up that I can't wait to share with her.

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