January 2014 Moms

Poll: DH's job

Cara1024Cara1024 member
edited July 2014 in January 2014 Moms
How does DH or SO feel about his current job?

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Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
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Poll: DH's job 146 votes

6% 9 votes
not happy about it most days
6% 9 votes
some bad days, some ok days
8% 13 votes
eh, not great but could be worse
8% 12 votes
it's just work
6% 9 votes
pretty decent place to work
13% 19 votes
kinda likes it most days
19% 29 votes
loves his job!
20% 30 votes
5% 8 votes
I just want to see answers
5% 8 votes

Re: Poll: DH's job

  • DH is a general contractor who owns his own company. When work is plentiful=making money, he loves it. When he is slower, it's hard to stay positive about it. It's a constant challenge to have enough work.
  • DH likes the money that his job provides, but he doesn't love it by any stretch of the imagination.


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  • DH started a new job when LO was about 8 weeks old. He's a logistical planner for an aviation company and the job takes 12 months to be completely trained. It's not his ideal line of work, and it's very mentally taxing, but he likes it most days.
  • I chose SS. DH is currently working two jobs by choice. He has worked for a company he hates for the past 4 years, but it is full time and in a field he wants to stay in. He is there until he can find something better. Just before DS was born he started doing substitute work for a school district and he really enjoys it. It is only part time with no benefits though. It is supposed to open up to fill time in the next school year though, so fingers crossed.
  • I said SS b/c H likes what he does but doesn't like his clicky co workers or the politics involved. He's not a butt kisser and hates that those that are get ahead.
  • He has a terrible job in data entry but right now is opening mail. For 8 hours. And they were just forbidden to talk to coworkers while opening mail. For 8 hours.

    I can't wait for him to find a new job that suits his level of intelligence (almost done with Masters in English)!
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    Patrick: born at home on January 14, 2014

  • km_mdkm_md member
    DH just finished his apprenticeship in autobody repair. He is doing that in a shop now and really enjoys that he is doing what he went to school for. However, his dream would be to open his own shop and do more restorations rather than insurance jobs that he is doing now. Overall though, I'm jealous that he has a job he loves.

  • SO is the lead morning cook at a five star hotel. I say its a decent place, but the drive is far. If we lived closer to his work, everything would be perfect.
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  • My husband is CA. He loves it. He likes the company he works for. 

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  • hpd101hpd101 member
    My husband is a police officer/K9 Handler. He loves what he does!
  • H was transferred away for work last summer when I was prego and took another job to be here at home with us. He hates it. So he's looking for something new but local (all of these are military jobs).

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  • DH loves what he does but it can get very stressful and works longer days sometimes. I can tell when he's had a rough day or not!!!! At least he really likes all of his coworkers and boss, I think that is a big plus!!
  • DH teaches adaptive physical education and he truly enjoys the students he works with. He also feels really good about the staff he works with which also contributes to him liking his job.

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  • DH is a respiratory therapist. He works full time at a small hospital that he hates. He works pool at a bigger hospital. He works the second job because he wants to get on full time with them, and the best/ easiest way to do that is to go part time first.
  • DH makes medical grade freezers for blood storage, he hates it. He likes that he's in his field but he doesn't feel like he does anything great by the end of the day. I feel for him.
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    Married 8/9/13
    Ashton James Rogers 10/29/13

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  • DH is a mechanic. For the past 3 years he's been working for himself out of our garage trying to get a legitimate business going. When we found out #2 was on the way we decided he had to get a job with insurance so I can SAM part time come December. (didn't have the funds at the time to get his shop up at running) He started about 3 weeks ago. So far he's really liking it. Hours are long some days, but it pays well. Nothing sexier to me than a man who can work hard and get so dirty - come home and shower and then look like a really classy guy. Does that make sense? It's one of the first things that attracted me to him. Not sure if I like dirty DH or clean DH better. Ha!


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  • DH is a Police Officer and works for the county but he wants to get into the marshals and his current boss has 2 openings for Marshall's on his department. He loves what he does but it worries me some days lol
  • I put SS becasue DH has 2 jobs.  The first is his "day job" and that he hates but it comes with amazing health benefits and he has told me he will stay with them until they fire him or they change the benefits.  For the second job, he owns his own landscaping and handyman business which he loves but it keeps him pretty busy. 

  • edited July 2014
    DH works in corporate communications. I put "it's just work". DH is very good at what he does (makes good money, has been nominated for several awards) however he always says that unless he's a professional athlete, he won't really love any job. He would rather be golfing.
                        Nathaniel Robert born 1.16.2014

  • SS: DH doesn't like his job that much, but only has a couple of weeks left at it until he starts medical school.
    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
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  • Currently DH is a SAHD and I put that he loves it although it has taken some adjusting to on his part. He's about to begin music lessons for a local performing arts association and is going to be picked up by a local publication for sports writing. He will absolutely love both of those!

    He has pretty much hit the job jackpot. He loved his previous job as a musician with the Navy as well.
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  • I chose SS. My H hates his current job (painter) but we are moving next month so he can start his new job working with teens at a non-profit. He is so excited and I'm happy that he's happy.
  • I voted ss. Dh just started his job. He is a first year resident so still getting a feel for it.
    BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
    BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
    Its a surprise! Team green!

  • km_mdkm_md member
    @ivedonethisb4‌ that is so frustrating about your husbands raise! My DH got his certification a few months ago and his boss keeps saying that they need to discuss his pay raise but then avoids him like the plague so he doesn't have to do it. Ridiculous.

  • DH is an attorney, loves what he does and the firm he's at.
  • km_md said:
    DH just finished his apprenticeship in autobody repair. He is doing that in a shop now and really enjoys that he is doing what he went to school for. However, his dream would be to open his own shop and do more restorations rather than insurance jobs that he is doing now. Overall though, I'm jealous that he has a job he loves.

    I know exactly how you feel. DH also works in a garage/shop and loves it. They do more performance vehicles but just started doing inspections and all that jazz. I tell him all the time I'm so jealous he loves what he does! He went to school to for Elementary Education and decided he'll probably never teach. Jealous.


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  • H is a visionaire. Okay not really but he's a big dreamer. He works in the medical field as a naturopath, as a medical advisor for a nutraceutical company, sports nutrition director at a local university and also does this own thing on the side (organized conferences for healthcare professionals Etc). He loves it. He is always brainstorming new ideas and I love seeing him put them into action. He is very driven and ambitious and I'm very proud of how hard he works.

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     "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7


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