How does DH or SO feel about his current job?

Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
Poll: DH's job 146 votes
not happy about it most days
some bad days, some ok days
eh, not great but could be worse
pretty decent place to work
I just want to see answers
Re: Poll: DH's job
I can't wait for him to find a new job that suits his level of intelligence (almost done with Masters in English)!
He has pretty much hit the job jackpot. He loved his previous job as a musician with the Navy as well.
BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
Its a surprise! Team green!
I know exactly how you feel. DH also works in a garage/shop and loves it. They do more performance vehicles but just started doing inspections and all that jazz. I tell him all the time I'm so jealous he loves what he does! He went to school to for Elementary Education and decided he'll probably never teach. Jealous.