January 2014 Moms

do you and your SO have "a song"?

This is playing off of the wedding song thread. What's your song and why?

Ours is wonderwall by oasis. When my dh and I were dating like the first month I knew him. He was down in Florida with friends and he called me one night pretty drunk. I asked him to sing me a song. He starts belting out wonderwall. So ever since then when it would play in the car I would call him and let it play when he picked up. Or he would crank it up when it came on. So cute! He didn't want to dance to it at our wedding though. Which was our big pre wedding fight...
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Re: do you and your SO have "a song"?

  • We kind of have a family song...low rider. It came on the radio a few times and our then 4 yr old caught on the the melody quick. So then pretty soon we started putting it on while we were In the car and now even our 2 yr old will sing the trumpet part.

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  • You Are The Best Thing by Ray Lamontagne

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  • Same as our first dance, Jack Johnson - Constellations. Early on in our relationship it seemed to always come on at random special moments (we both had it on our iTunes playlists).
  • First slow dance was rascal flats, broken road but our first dance song from our wedding was make you feel my love Adele's version. I still get chills when I hear it
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  • Crazy Girl by Eli Young Band. DH decided because he said it reminds him of us.
  • Best friend by Tim McGraw. We danced to it at our wedding, but basically it is us in a nutshell.
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    Married 8/9/13
    Ashton James Rogers 10/29/13

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  • Do You Remember by Jack Johnson. We met in early September. It took him 4 days to call me. ("do you remember when we first me? I sure do...it was sometime in early September. Well, you were lazy about it, you made me wait around..."). It's us. Definitely us. And Jack Johnson is a great song writer.

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  • "Getting You Home" by Chris Young. I studied abroad for a semester in college and he would sing that to me every time we would skype.
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