January 2014 Moms

Helmet causing bulge over ears?

Hey helmet mommas, tonight when I took M's helmet off I noticed he had bulging where the ear is open, most noticeable on the Velcro side and slightly on the closed side as well. It seems a little better now that it's been off over an hour, but not gone. DH is freaked out and won't put the helmet back on until we talk to the orthotist is the morning. I'm not pleased either since it appears his head is swelling in the opening.

Anyone else seeing anything like this?

BFP 11.8.12 * EDD 7.17.13 * MC 12.20.12
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Re: Helmet causing bulge over ears?

  • @BMReid‌ it looked like it was swollen in the shape of the ear opening, though it wasn't soft or spongy when I ran my hand over it (I did not try applying pressure though). He went to bed shortly after the hour off time and there is not enough light to see how it's looking now, but we've left the helmet off so we'll see how it looks in the morning. It was definitely sudden. I noticed it immediately when I laid him across my lap to nurse and I'm sure it hasn't looked like that before.

    BFP 11.8.12 * EDD 7.17.13 * MC 12.20.12
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  • 2 weeks

    To help visualize, because I don't know if I'm explaining well - if you had the helmet on and traced the ear opening, then took the helmet off, the area between from the ear to the helmet outline is bulging.

    BFP 11.8.12 * EDD 7.17.13 * MC 12.20.12
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  • Update in case anyone has this issue down the road - called the orthotist the next morning and she basically blew us off, saying it was normal and she'd look at it when we had our next appointment in two weeks. We were not going to let his head just stay swollen for weeks, and if this was normal we were really upset nobody mentioned it as a possibility.

    Called back and got a same-day appointment with a different orthotist and he was awesome. He said it was "window edema". Basically the rubbing and pinching around the ears allows fluid to collect under the skin. This can happen anywhere there's an opening. He shaved out a more gradual edge and felt confident that would solve the problem and so far, so good. He spent a lot of time with us and was great with M. We've rescheduled all of our appointments to see him going forward.

    BFP 11.8.12 * EDD 7.17.13 * MC 12.20.12
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  • I hope the swelling has gone down and the adjustments help. W has bulging too, but its for a different reason.
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