January 2014 Moms

cp: What position does LO sleep in?

pinkyxboopinkyxboo member
edited July 2014 in January 2014 Moms
My baby girl has gone from a back sleeper to a side sleeper once she had the strength to roll, to now a tummy sleeper. I can't say I'm thrilled about her turning on to her tummy. How is your baby most comfortable?

our little flower born 01.13.14
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cp: What position does LO sleep in? 133 votes

Back sleeper
17% 23 votes
Side sleeper
24% 33 votes
Tummy sleeper
36% 49 votes
Combo- Explain
19% 26 votes
SS- Explain
1% 2 votes

Re: cp: What position does LO sleep in?

  • precious72381precious72381 member
    edited July 2014
    I put her on her tummy. Saved the step of her waking up, flipping onto her tummy and crying. She likes her butt in the air too.

    I'm 33 DH is 36 
    Married 6/27/2009 Together since 10/22/2005
    TTC since 8/2010 (off BCP since 8/2009) 
    Unexplained Infertility
    8/2011, 1/2012, 3/2012 IUI #1-3 BFN 
    6/2012 IVF#1 BFN, 8/2012 IVF#2 FET BFN, 11/2012 IVF#3 BFP
    12/10/2012 U/S #1 6w4d - heartbeat  EDD 8/1/13 
    12/26/2012 U/S #2 8w6d - No more heartbeat, MMC; D&C; Chromosome testing normal; male :( RPL testing normal 
    4/3/2013 DX Asherman's Syndrome caused by D&C, hysteroscopy done
    June 2013 IVF #4 planned 
    5/12/2013 SURPRISE BFP! Natural cycle 
    7/11/2013 Panorama results Normal!!! Team Pink, partial previa moved up in 2nd tri9/5/13 (19w) AS scan shows short cervix, 2.5 cm 9/19 (21w)  Cervix is worse 1.87cm, bed rest 10/26 & 10/27 steroid shots 12/19 (35w) DX: SGA Baby went from 57% percentile to 18th percentile in 6 weeks. Weekly BPP and NST until she is here. 1/17/18 Growth scan puts Abby below 10th percent in size, low amniotic fluid, and less movement. Time to induce!
    1/18/14 2:11am Abigial Morgan is here! 5lbs 14oz and 18 inches of pure cuteness!!!

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  • I always put her down on her side (alternating). She used to roll to her back, but has been rolling to her tummy the last little while.

    image  image

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  • Both of my boys flip flop and turn all night long
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  • A little bit of all 3 but he always falls asleep on his side and then is on his belly in the am. Flat on his back is his least favorite.


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  • I usually put her down on her side, sometimes her back. She rolls all over the place between her side, back, or tummy. I think she spends the majority of her time on her tummy though.
  • Back to side to stomach

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  • @danaadell‌ like this? Haha Ps this is today- during her nap!!!! She is sleeping in her crib!!! I can do stuff but instead I'm on the computer making a video of pics for six months. :)

    I'm 33 DH is 36 
    Married 6/27/2009 Together since 10/22/2005
    TTC since 8/2010 (off BCP since 8/2009) 
    Unexplained Infertility
    8/2011, 1/2012, 3/2012 IUI #1-3 BFN 
    6/2012 IVF#1 BFN, 8/2012 IVF#2 FET BFN, 11/2012 IVF#3 BFP
    12/10/2012 U/S #1 6w4d - heartbeat  EDD 8/1/13 
    12/26/2012 U/S #2 8w6d - No more heartbeat, MMC; D&C; Chromosome testing normal; male :( RPL testing normal 
    4/3/2013 DX Asherman's Syndrome caused by D&C, hysteroscopy done
    June 2013 IVF #4 planned 
    5/12/2013 SURPRISE BFP! Natural cycle 
    7/11/2013 Panorama results Normal!!! Team Pink, partial previa moved up in 2nd tri9/5/13 (19w) AS scan shows short cervix, 2.5 cm 9/19 (21w)  Cervix is worse 1.87cm, bed rest 10/26 & 10/27 steroid shots 12/19 (35w) DX: SGA Baby went from 57% percentile to 18th percentile in 6 weeks. Weekly BPP and NST until she is here. 1/17/18 Growth scan puts Abby below 10th percent in size, low amniotic fluid, and less movement. Time to induce!
    1/18/14 2:11am Abigial Morgan is here! 5lbs 14oz and 18 inches of pure cuteness!!!

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  • LO starts out on his side and eventually rolls over on his stomach.
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  • My LO did the same as yours- back to side to tummy. I have no issues with it and love it because she sleeps so much better now.
  • amt0312 said:

    My LO did the same as yours- back to side to tummy. I have no issues with it and love it because she sleeps so much better now.

    This exactly. If DS is super tired and falls asleep after bottle I lay him down on his back and he won't turn over until later to tummy. If I put him in his crib awake and that is most of the time he rolls all over the place for 5-10 min or so and will fall asleep on his side or tummy. And honestly he sleeps better on his tummy, less wake ups.

  • Combo - side and tummy.
  • One tummy sleeper and one that flips between back and side all night


  • SS - every time I look at her she is in a new location and different position.

    She seems to prefer her side but who knows.
  • Loves sleeping on his tummy and sometimes has his legs tucked in and butt up in the air haha very strange child :)
  • As soon as he could roll he went to his belly immediately. He sticks his bum in the air. Sometimes he goes on his side though.

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  • km_mdkm_md member
    She's a back sleeper.

    When we tried to raise her mattress for reflux purposes she just moved herself right to the bottom. And once she learned how to roll back to belly she has done that a couple of times when she should be napping. But for night time sleep she seems to prefer her back.

  • I definitely see she sleeps a little better when she's on her tummy, but mommy definitely doesn't as I am up every hour checking the monitor to make sure she's breathing and not face down.

    our little flower born 01.13.14
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  • bnikbnik member
    little man sleeps in his side and tummy.He mives around a lot. i still check on him all the time even though his Dr said. "if he can roll to his tummy, he can move his head if he needs to"
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