September 2014 Moms

Bed Rest?

Has anyone else been put on bed rest? I started cramping over the weekend and had some spotting Monday night. Went to the hospital and they said I am already 70% effaced, so they put me on bed rest. I am bored out of my mind.

Re: Bed Rest?

  • not sure if anyone here is on bedrest already, but I know there is a weekly bedrest check in on the high risk board.
  • jg1011jg1011 member
    Sorry you are on bed rest. I can imagine that is hard! There is definitely a bed rest check in on high risk board.

    Good luck!
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  • I'm on modified bed rest/light activity, but was on full bed rest with my previous pregnancy. My Drs. this time don't actually believe in bed rest any longer (some new studies show it doesn't help apparently-I still try to be seated or laying down a good portion of the day regardless), but either way it is hard. There are several ladies here on bed rest and a few on hospital bed rest from the last time someone posted a thread on it. As for keeping busy-I learned to do crafts, watch Netflix/On demand, set a goal of reading one book a week, and kept to a strict schedule. I was on bed rest from 24-37 weeks with DS so I know it is hard at first, but every week that goes by is beneficial and it does get easier. Also, I loved online shopping and looking forward to deliveries a couple times per week! Hang in there!
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  • I'm sorry you're on bedrest :( If you're looking for some fun stuff to watch on the interwebs and you like Jane Austen I highly suggest "The Lizzie Bennet Diaries" and "Emma Approved" both are youtube video series. Super cute and fun to watch

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