January 2014 Moms

Any long LO's?

My LO is very long. He'll be 6 mo offically tomorrow and is about 30 in long. His Daddy is 6'5" and his father was tall too. LO is in the 98th percentile for length, so I suspect he will also be pretty tall. My current issue is that I'm having more and more difficulty nursing comfortably. Obviously when we do side lying, it doesn't matter but any other position is becoming increasingly difficult. On the couch at home, I can use an extra pillow under his long legs but find I can't do this in our glider. I'm not even using the glider anymore, makes me a little sad. I often find that when out and about, NIP is a challange as well. I can't find a comfortable position and that, coupled with him being very distracted (ie; trying to look around or put feet in mouth) it looks more like Im trying to wrangle a little ninja, rather than feeding my baby. I could just hold my arm under his legs the whole time but it definitely gets exhausting and is ackward. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for nursing a long LO? Yes, I could carry around a pillow everywhere but all.the.stuff. Any ideas?

Re: Any long LO's?

  • I'm 6 feet and SO is about 6'1". LO was 28.5" at her 4 month appointment and at least 30" now. I sit cross legged and let her bum rest in the hole in the middle then put my arms under her head and legs but rest them on my legs. I slouch a bit to get the nipple in her mouth but this works for us. No pillows needed.

    Wish I had better advice for you!
  • Thanks! It looks like your LO is going to be a model :) I guess I've mostly always tried to use a pillow but I'm going to try some new ways. This is something that we'll always deal with, lol
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  • I could never make a pillow work for us! I know what you mean about NIP though. She'll arch all over the place, push away with her feet, and just be everywhere. I guess I'm lucky that she's still pretty light so it's still fairly easy to hold her up with just my arms if I need to. The other day she balanced herself on her legs in front of me, leaned forward and tried to eat like that. Crazy kid!

    Let me know if you end up discovering any tricks!
  • We still use the boppy to nurse but I have also used the cross legged position with baby sitting in my lap. My lo is about 30" too, we will see at 6 mo appointment. You could try a small blanket or pillow in your cross legged lap and then try it so they are a little taller to reach. Tall baby struggles, people are always surprised at his age too because he's so tall.
  • I sit in a recliner and drape his legs over the side. Otherwise, he pushes against the arm of the chair with his feet, just for funsies. (He's a tall one too, like his 6'6" dad.)
  • @peanutmuse‌ oh I love when he kicks and pushes off the arm of the chair or couch with my nipple in his mouth. He's so strong, it makes for a fun time, lol. I'm going to try your drape method for sure.
  • @Someweird_person how do you still use a boppy? I feel like we outgrew ours around 10 weeks. I would have to wrap his legs all the way around me and back to the front, lol
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  • I do pretty much wrap him around me. He has taken to pulling up his feet to rest on my other boob lately during feeding. I usually sit at the end of the couch and have his legs over the arm which is roughly the same height as the boppy in my lap so it's like a chaise lounge extension lol.
    I didn't expect him to be so tall, H is shorter than me I'm six foot but both sides of my family all the men are 6'4" minimum with one uncle somewhere around 6'8". I figured if he was gonna be tall he would grow later not start off so much. At least I understand his struggles :-)
  • 28 in. at 6 months here. 95th percentile. My pedi said she would probably start to plateau. We will see! We do side lying nursing also.
  • I don't remember how long he is, but he's 97th percentile for height (and weight and head) but my dh and I are pretty average height.

    As for nursing he's been pushing against the side of the chair for quite a while...sometimes it's pretty annoying.

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