September 2014 Moms

*~* PGAL Check-In 7/15 *~*

MMason12MMason12 member
edited July 2014 in September 2014 Moms
Thank you for covering last week @PintoBean77! I feel like I've been losing my mind lately!!! Hope everyone is having a good week! 

How many weeks/days are you:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling/rants/raves:

Movement Update: 

Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not):

Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not):

GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??

@TheEmpireNeedsYou – 08/30
@Chusum – 09/01
@Marriedandlovingit – 09/01
@Flowerchica – 09/01
@Jayhawkali – 09/01
@Bonnesetter27 – 09/2
@TenThree – 09/04
@Conradgallagher – 09/04
@Mmnumber5 – 09/06
@Bodziochi – 09/07

@LifeofCat – 09/07
@TinkL0ver – 09/09
@Everyusernameistaken – 09/10
@MrsHamon09 – 09/10
@Lskypeck – 09/10
@TBarker925 – 09/11
@PintoBean77 – 09/11
@Maupjen – 09/12
@Stasi – 09/12
@Epaprn – 09/12
@Criscbish – 09/12
@Daisy1232 – 09/12

@ambershaw512- 09/13

@mrsdanielleM2010 – 09/13
@Kmbk27 – 09/14
@Shimmer475 – 09/14
@TippettFamilyOf4 – 09/14
@Sheenae08 – 09/14
@Ecat504 – 09/14

Me: 30 Him: 33
Married: August 2012
BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
DD: 9/22/2014

Re: *~* PGAL Check-In 7/15 *~*

  • MMason12MMason12 member
    edited July 2014

    @Kateysomething – 09/14
    @LM915 – 09/15

    @SmileyGirl18 – 09/15
    @BetsyDavis – 09/16
    @OrdyMama12 – 09/18
    @dal2aus – 09/18 *Twins*

    @Breannek.ot – 09/19
    @Ladybug7456 – 09/19
    @JenniferAnn1972 – 09/19
    @breannek.ot – 09/19
    @kriley602774 – 09/20

    @Ve304856 – 09/21

    @Nyg2042 – 09/21
    @Squiddly – 09/21
    @Yurizaba – 09/21
    @AnnieBN – 09/22
    @Blemaro – 09/22
    @Jesswein9 – 09/23
    @Worldinapapercup - 09/24
    @AnyMax – 09/25
    @Ladyofshallott86 – 9/25
    @BrittanyN83 – 09/25

    @Cpj7 – 09/25
    @Bainidhedub – 09/26
    @Mrstbckhrst – 09/26
    @athara – 09/27
    @Gingerkid9989 – 09/28
    @Bethybeach – 09/28 - 09/28

    @PeopleKnowMe - 9/29

    @MMason12 - 9/29

    @czarmom – 09/29
    cls0602 – 09/30

    @Lnholmes – 09/30
    @rlyttle – 09/30
    @brittanipaige – 09/30
    @Hlcollums – TBA…end of September

    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
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  • Hey ladies!!  I hope everyone is doing ok!  Thanks @mmason12 for running the check-in!


    How many weeks/days are you: 29/2

    Upcoming appointments:  Next week on the 23rd

    How are you feeling/rants/raves:  Feeling pretty good.  Just sciatic pain and feet swelling.

    Movement Update: Baby girl freaked me out basically all weekend because she was pretty quiet but she is back to her wiggly self.

    Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): I had one of my showers this past weekend and it was so fun to see everyone.  :)

    Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not):  The sciatic pain

    GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??

    Start/finish the nursery

    get car seat base inspected

    breastfeeding class

    packing hospital bag (idk if that's a "major" thing)

    wash the baby's clothes (holding off until u/s on the 6th of August to make sure she is still a she!)

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • kmbk27kmbk27 member
    How many weeks/days are you:
    31 weeks.

    Upcoming appointments:
    32 week appointment next Friday.

    How are you feeling/rants/raves:
    Feeling out of breath most of the time, but otherwise not bad.

    Movement Update:
    He is crazy tonight! I can't tell what body parts are where - he's all over the place.

    Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not):
    Another good appointment last Friday and found our pediatrician.

    Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not):
    Our dog is having issues with his crate again. He's been doing so well since March.

    GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??
    Recarpet the nursery.
    Put the room together furniture wise and decorate.

    Have a good week ladies!

    ^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^

    image    image


     <3 Gage Douglas sunshine after the rain.

  • BlemaroBlemaro member
    edited July 2014
    How many weeks/days are you: 30w2d Upcoming appointments: 2nd midwife appointment next Thursday How are you feeling/rants/raves: Tired again but my hips/pelvis have been behaving better so I'm really happy about that! Pupps has reared it's ugly head. My belly is sooooo itchy!!!! I got it with DS but not until the very end of my pregnancy. It's going to be a long 10ish weeks with this itch. I just hope it doesn't spread to other parts of my body. Movement Update: Still lots of movement. And I still love it :) Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): Getting in with a midwifery clinic! I'm so excited (and a little nervous) to switch over to midwifery care. They're so hard to get into in my city so I'm very lucky to get one, even so late in my pregnancy. Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): PUPPs. It's so painfully itchy. GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive?? Organize my whole house! Clean the bassinet (or buy a new one if I get my way!), clean the carseat, organize baby stuff so it's easy to find as I need it, freezer meals. I'm sure there's more but we're basically ready enough. Thanks for the checkin @MMason12‌! I hope everyone has a great week! ETA: my spacing is funky!
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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