How many weeks/days are you:
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling/rants/raves:
Movement Update:
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not):
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not):
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??
@TheEmpireNeedsYou – 08/30
@Chusum – 09/01
@Marriedandlovingit – 09/01
@Flowerchica – 09/01
@Jayhawkali – 09/01
@Bonnesetter27 – 09/2
@TenThree – 09/04
@Conradgallagher – 09/04
@Mmnumber5 – 09/06
@Bodziochi – 09/07
@LifeofCat – 09/07
@TinkL0ver – 09/09
@Everyusernameistaken – 09/10
@MrsHamon09 – 09/10
@Lskypeck – 09/10
@TBarker925 – 09/11
@PintoBean77 – 09/11
@Maupjen – 09/12
@Stasi – 09/12
@Epaprn – 09/12
@Criscbish – 09/12
@Daisy1232 – 09/12
@ambershaw512- 09/13
@mrsdanielleM2010 – 09/13
@Kmbk27 – 09/14
@Shimmer475 – 09/14
@TippettFamilyOf4 – 09/14
@Sheenae08 – 09/14
@Ecat504 – 09/14
Re: *~* PGAL Check-In 7/15 *~*
@Kateysomething – 09/14
@LM915 – 09/15
@SmileyGirl18 – 09/15
@BetsyDavis – 09/16
@OrdyMama12 – 09/18
@dal2aus – 09/18 *Twins*
@Breannek.ot – 09/19
@Ladybug7456 – 09/19
@JenniferAnn1972 – 09/19
@breannek.ot – 09/19
@kriley602774 – 09/20
@Ve304856 – 09/21
@Nyg2042 – 09/21
@Squiddly – 09/21
@Yurizaba – 09/21
@AnnieBN – 09/22
@Blemaro – 09/22
@Jesswein9 – 09/23
@Worldinapapercup - 09/24
@AnyMax – 09/25
@Ladyofshallott86 – 9/25
@BrittanyN83 – 09/25
@Cpj7 – 09/25
@Bainidhedub – 09/26
@Mrstbckhrst – 09/26
@athara – 09/27
@Gingerkid9989 – 09/28
@Bethybeach – 09/28 - 09/28
@PeopleKnowMe - 9/29
@MMason12 - 9/29
@czarmom – 09/29
@C0602tcls0602 – 09/30
@Lnholmes – 09/30
@rlyttle – 09/30
@brittanipaige – 09/30
@Hlcollums – TBA…end of September
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
Upcoming appointments: Have to get an HIV screening this week and then a regular OB appointment on Thursday.
How are you feeling/rants/raves: Not too bad this week. I had some stronger BH (I assume) contractions last week and over the weekend, which concerned me a little but they stopped. And now I'm just dealing with a ridiculous amount of big bites/itching.
Movement Update: Still like crazy. Finally noticed hiccups last week. Didn't know if I would with the anterior placenta. Sometimes she rolls around so much it makes me sick. And it feels lately like she's trying to punch her way out of my stomach like an alien.
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): Found out that my mom is throwing a surprise baby shower. Not that I'm supposed to know about it, but it's super nice of her, and I wasn't expecting it.
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): Just really missing my husband this week. And still worried that baby girl will come late so he will miss her birth.
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??
Baby shower
Breast pump purchase
Find a pediatrician
Install car seat
Probably like 4000 more things.
@MMason12 thanks for doing the check in! Hope everything is going well!
How many weeks/days are you: 29w
Upcoming appointments: 3d/4d on Saturday :-)!!! 30w appt next tues.
How are you feeling/rants/raves: back aches, sitting hurts, starting to feel large... But still loving it all of course!
Movement Update: moving right now! I'm pretty sure he never stops moving. Typical boy already
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): my parents are coming into town!!!! I haven't seen them since Easter. they are coming to the 3d appt and my cousin is getting married Saturday! Excited to see family
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): the weather? Lots of storms
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive?? We are pretty on top of things but we do have a hospital tour and breast feeding class next month. Have to pack the hospital bag. Wash all his clothes! My baby shower is 8/9 so I suspect it will be a busy month
How many weeks/days are you: 33 weeks
Upcoming appointments: NST today and a dr appt after.
How are you feeling/rants/raves: Only raves, my previa has fixed itself and my GD has gotten under control.
Movement Update: He moves like crazy.
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): Getting some things done in the nursery.
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): My DS has been throwing tantrums.
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive?? Finish washing CD's and clothes, get a ball for labor, and really everything else is small.
Hey ladies!! I hope everyone is doing ok! Thanks @mmason12 for running the check-in!
How many weeks/days are you: 29/2
Upcoming appointments: Next week on the 23rd
How are you feeling/rants/raves: Feeling pretty good. Just sciatic pain and feet swelling.
Movement Update: Baby girl freaked me out basically all weekend because she was pretty quiet but she is back to her wiggly self.
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): I had one of my showers this past weekend and it was so fun to see everyone.
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): The sciatic pain
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??
Start/finish the nursery
get car seat base inspected
breastfeeding class
packing hospital bag (idk if that's a "major" thing)
wash the baby's clothes (holding off until u/s on the 6th of August to make sure she is still a she!)
BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013
BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm. 6 lbs 15 oz!
How many weeks/days are you: 29w2d
Upcoming appointments: We have our 3D ultrasound Thursday. Next OB apt is the first week of August, then I start twice a week apts from there on out until she arrives! Yay, right, lol.
How are you feeling/rants/raves: Pretty good! Tired and having heartburn. But not too much to complain about! We had our first growth ultrasound last Thursday and she was "4 days behind" which is not bad.
Movement Update: She usually has about 4 days where she moves all the time then a day when she barely moves. She meets her kicks count, but it does freak me out a tad on those quieter days. I cannot stand it when she rolls and flips -- it makes me completely sick to my stomach.
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): I have most of the week off so I get to relax!
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): Feeling overwhelmed by the "to do" lists I have.
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??: Find the rug for the nursery, get a breast pump, and a million other things! See above overwhelmed comment about my massive to-do lists. lol
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
How many weeks/days are you:
Upcoming appointments:
Had a checkup yesterday, so not for 2 more weeks. I made all of my appointments until my due date though! Ahh!
How are you feeling/rants/raves:
Feeling tired! Also baby has found a nook in my right rib and likes to keep her feet there, which is less than comfortable but I do enjoy her movements for my own sanity's sake
Movement Update:
Conradgallagher shared
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not):
The nursery is not finished, but it is inhabitable. I'm pretty much just adding fun things now like wall art.
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not):
Waking up in the morning! I just want to stay in beddddd
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??
Pack a hospital bag, wash baby's clothes/sheets/blankets, get breast pump, contact Pediatrician, get TDAP vaccine, and eat as much ice cream as possible.
Looking forward to HDBD tomorrow! Can't wait to see everyone's bump...we've all come so far!!
born August 31, 2014
How many weeks/days are you: 32 weeks... holy moly
Upcoming appointments: I have 4 appointments a week at least now. Started NSTs and all that jazz. not fun.
How are you feeling/rants/raves: Overall doing okay, stupid tdap shot is killing my arm but not much to do but wait it out. Also I'm over these BH already.
Movement Update: So much movement.
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): LO passing her NSTs with flying colors every time, and getting our first baby gift.
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): BH contractions. between 5-10 an hour after going to a family gathering the other day. Not very painful but enough to freak me out.
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive?? Everything?? lol I feel like we have nothing done. No crib set up, nothing prepared at all. Then again our shower isn't until this sunday and my family has been getting upset at me everytime I mention getting something for LO myself (mom flipped when I bought our crib because *she* wanted to buy that)
How many weeks/days are you: 29 weeks 4 days
Upcoming appointments: Next one is on the 23rd, then every 2 weeks
How are you feeling/rants/raves: My leg still hurts from this stupid charlie horse I had on Saturday morning. It feels like I got hit in the calf with a freakin' baseball bat.
Movement Update: Last week felt like LO was trying to "test his limits" but this week has been better. More swooshing, less stretching.
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): I just realized yesterday that I'm eligible for 6 weeks Extended Medical Leave beyond my PTO. I don't know why, but last time I read through the info from HR, I thought that EML either wasn't paid or didn't apply. So, I'm looking at staying out til New Year's, not Thanksgiving.
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): The assistant manager is going to Japan for a week and a half tomorrow, so all the PITA clients will be calling me instead.
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive?? Aaahhh so much. Start/finish/furnish/decorate the nursery. Get/wash clothes and sheets. Get diapers and all that paraphernalia. Pick a daycare. Re-home the dog. Go to childbirth & BF classes. Pick a pharmacy & be poised to order a pump. Get and train a replacement at work. My shower isn't until August 9th so I'm not even counting shopping for whatever we still need after that.
Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013
BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm. 6 lbs 15 oz!
How many weeks/days are you: 30 Weeks 2 days
Upcoming appointments: Not until the 28th
How are you feeling/rants/raves: Feeling good other than a cold I have been fighting all weekend
Movement Update: She moves all the time. I feel her a lot at night.
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): We are now under contract with a new house.
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): The stress of buying a house with all the paperwork they need and hoping everything works out. We will close when I al almost 38 weeks!!
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive?? Everything since we will be moving at the end of Aug.
How many weeks/days are you: 30w1d
Upcoming appointments: Follow Up w/Cardiologist next week to discuss results from Echo and Holter
How are you feeling/rants/raves: Trouble sleeping and occasional pelvic pain
Movement Update: I finally felt baby hiccup, so awesome!
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not): DH started working on our bedroom mini remodel and we purchased new living room furniture
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not): Spending way too much money lately
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive?? We purchased our first home in January, and rather than have a housewarming we decided to have the shower at our house. I'm starting to freak out about all of the stuff we want to accomplish in the next 2.5 weeks which includes: finish the bedroom remodel, paint bathroom, and work on nursery some more. I still need to catch up on my reading, and need to buy a going home outfit. Feeling a little overwhelmed.
31 weeks.
Upcoming appointments:
32 week appointment next Friday.
How are you feeling/rants/raves:
Feeling out of breath most of the time, but otherwise not bad.
Movement Update:
He is crazy tonight! I can't tell what body parts are where - he's all over the place.
Best thing this week (pregnancy related or not):
Another good appointment last Friday and found our pediatrician.
Worst thing this week (pregnancy related or not):
Our dog is having issues with his crate again. He's been doing so well since March.
GTKY: What are the "major" things you have left to do before your LO arrive??
Recarpet the nursery.
Put the room together furniture wise and decorate.
Have a good week ladies!
^^^ September Signature: TV series I plan on binge watching with my newborn I do what I want. ^^^