1st Trimester

Hot chocolate

Is hot chocolate okay during the first trimester?  For example, on Caribou's website it shows no caffiene in the nutrition area, so it must be minimal - who knows :)

Re: Hot chocolate

  • I didn't even think to look on their website, we have that in our house and I've been wanting it so bad!! Hmmmm...?
    BFP #1- 10/10/08 Natural M/C - 11/3/08 BFP #2 - 12/25/08 DD born on 8/18/09 BFP #3 - 8/7/11 Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yes.  You are allowed caffeine in the 1st tri, just not in excessive amounts - as in don't drink multiple cups of coffee and follow it up with soda. 
    BabyFetus Ticker Blessed with a girl and boy, number 3 due 5/5/12!
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  • Drink the hot chocolate- if you are concerned, you can always buy caffeine free hot chocolate. Drink a cup for me- it's 85 degrees here!
  • Drink whatever you want as long as it isn't alcohol!

    Just make sure you follow it with some water!

  • Oh lord, of course hot cocoa is fine. Caffeine is fine in moderation. Most doctors say that 2 6oz cups of coffee is fine per day while you are pregnant.
  • I was curious about the same thing so I did some research online. ?We are allowed to have up to 200 mg of caffeine each day safely, and the caffeine amounts I researched were as follows:

    coffee..12 oz...167-200 mg

    hot cocoa...8 oz...8-11 mg

    dark chocolate candy...1.5 oz...27 mg

    milk chocolate candy...1.5 oz...11-17 mg

    black tea...8 oz...67 mg


  • I drank a ton of hot chocolate in the beginning of my pregnancy (until it started making me nauseous), and everything is fine. Enjoy!!
  • Mmmm hot chocolate sounds so good....just another thing to add to my grocery list! :-)

  • DH bought me a great brand of caffiene free hot cocoa this morning b/c I was craving it. It's called Hershey Kisses Good Nights or something like that. It's yummy!
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