September 2014 Moms

**~Tuesday Ticker Change~**

How many weeks/fruit/size is baby?

How are you feeling?

Any new appointments or updates this week?

GTKY: (stolen from Monday)  What's your favorite animal?



Re: **~Tuesday Ticker Change~**

  • How many weeks/fruit/size is baby? 33 Weeks, Durian Fruit

    How are you feeling? Feeling pretty good, I'm tired by the end of the day and have been having more frequent minor aches and pains.

    Any new appointments or updates this week? Next Monday is my next apt and growth ultrasound.

    GTKY:  What's your favorite animal? I've always liked bears.



  • Sorry @Beedeck‌ !!

    How many weeks/fruit/size is baby?
    I'm 32 weeks today and the baby is the size of a squash.

    How are you feeling?
    Feeling well today! I'm on vacation from work which is coming at a perfect time after a super stressful month at work.

    Any new appointments or updates this week?
    Next Monday is my 33 week ultrasound! And next Tuesday is my 28th birthday!

    GTKY: (stolen from Monday) What's your favorite animal?
    I love penguins... They are such funny creatures to me. The baby's room has a big giraffe in it now though so I'm fond of them too I guess ;-) we are also fur parents to a Pomeranian who may be my ultimate favorite furry creature!
    BabyFruit Ticker  
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  • ap0werap0wer member
    How many weeks/fruit/size is baby?
    30, a cucumber!

    How are you feeling?
    Tired and huge! lol

    Any new appointments or updates this week?
    Had the 3 hour glucose test yesterday. Today I got a call from the clinic today saying he needs to see me about my results, so I'm assuming I have gestational diabetes.
    But, I had my 30 week ultrasound and got to see my girl today! So that was great. She weighs 3 pounds 12 ounces already, and is measuring a week ahead.

    What's your favorite animal? 
    I really like dogs! 



  • How many weeks/fruit/size is baby?  32 weeks - Squash!

    How are you feeling?  Great today!  Although I've been pretty uncomfortable the past few days with lower back pain & feeling exhausted.

    Any new appointments or updates this week?  We had our growth scan today & baby looks great! She weighs 4.7, my fluid levels were good and my blood pressure is staying down thankfully.  Now we go back in 2 weeks.

    What's your favorite animal?  I'm a huge animal lover in general (& definitely a dog person!) I also have a soft spot for dolphins :)

    Hope you ladies have a great day! :)

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    Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker

  • How many weeks/fruit/size is baby?
    29 weeks/ Acorn Squash!

    How are you feeling?
    Super sore and uncomfortable. Finding it hard to catch my breath today as well.

    Any new appointments or updates this week?
    Got more things for the nursery, other than that no.

    GTKY: (stolen from Monday) What's your favorite animal?
    I love red pandas.
    BabyFruit Ticker

    image imageimage
    Married Since December 1st, 2012
    BFP#1 January 21st, 2014  
    EDD September 23rd, 2014

    Air Force Wife, Oboist, Book Lover
    God's timing is perfect! 

  • How many weeks/fruit/size is baby? 

    31 weeks - A Pineapple

    How are you feeling?

    My belly is tight, like all day and my back hurts. I also have some round ligament pain.

    Any new appointments or updates this week?

    Today I had my growth scan. LO is growing but her AC is still a week behind but they are not worried so I won't worry. Next Mon is my OB appt. I already started my every two weeks appts.

    GTKY: (stolen from Monday)  What's your favorite animal? Kittens/Cats...I miss my furry baby.
  • How many weeks/fruit/size is baby? 31, pineapple

    How are you feeling? Getting uncomfortable at times.

    Any new appointments or updates this week? Got diagnosis with GD, so I have weekly appts, one Thurs, GD class Friday, growth scan next Wednesday.

    GTKY: (stolen from Monday) What's your favorite animal?

    Eliza Mae - September 16th, 2014
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  • How many weeks/fruit/size is baby?
    32 weeks, squash I believe.

    How are you feeling?
    Much better since LO has flipped into head down position. My rib pain has subsided a little bit which means less nerve pain. Peeing all the time, hungry all the time. Feeling huge but sometimes getting bursts of energy.

    Any new appointments or updates this week?
    OB says that as long as nothing comes up, I won't have anymore ultrasounds. I didn't get a 3rd trimester US so I may pay for the elective 3D. Next OB appointment isn't until the 25th but my birthday is this Friday!

    GTKY: (stolen from Monday) What's your favorite animal?
    I, too, love giraffes.

    Jess & Jason | DSS 8 | DSD 6
    VR 4/20/2013 | BFP 1/5/2014 | Baby Girl EDD 9/9/2014

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • How many weeks/fruit/size is baby?

    30 weeks/ cucumber

    How are you feeling?

    great today -- a little too much swelling for my comfort but the doc hasn't seemed worried about it.

    Any new appointments or updates this week?

    Yes -- I lost my doctor & had to choose a new one w/in the practice.  We'll see how that works at my appointment on Monday.

    GTKY: (stolen from Monday)  What's your favorite animal?

    Elephants!  :) 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    EDD: September 23
    PGAL: September 2010

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