January 2014 Moms

moms with older kids: modesty

At what point do u stop being naked around your child. I thought about this the day when dd was in her bouncing chair in the bathroom while my dh and I just got out of the shower and we are both standing there naked/drying off/getting dressed, It got me thinking. I know i don't need to worry now, but when? When is it inappropriate to not be decent around the kids?
BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
Its a surprise! Team green!

Re: moms with older kids: modesty

  • When one of you becomes uncomfortable with being naked, it is time to stop. Until then, you can keep doing it.

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  • My H has never been comfortable being naked in front of LO and she's 5 months! I say he's being silly cause she has no idea right now but he said he just doesn't like to change or whatever in front of her so he doesn't.
  • I agree with @sugarland726‌ MH stopped when he noticed DD looking intently. It made him uncomfortable (that was at 2.5, she's 3yo now). The other day she walked in on his shower though. She immediately asked him what was wrong with his 'gina. So yeah, he locks the door now too. I still shower and go to the restroom around her.
    that is too funny.
    BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
    BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
    Its a surprise! Team green!

  • Right now DD still showers with me and I go to the bathroom in front of her. When I go to the bathroom she comes in takes her pull up off and sits on her potty chair. She is fascinated by boobs right now and after we shower she pokes one of mine and yells boob, then she runs away. My mom, sister and I always changed in front of each other.

    With DS I will stop when he starts to notice his body is different. DD already knows that DS and DH are different. For awhile she was asking what DS's penis was.
  • DS is 5. DH and I are both comfortable with changing in front of him, being seen nude, and using the bathroom openly. We don't walk around nude for no reason but wouldn't cover up just to walk through the house to get something. He's never said anything about it. I pump on the couch with my shirt off also. We are not very modest people in general though. I think if any parties express discomfort with the nudity it's time to respect each other and cover up. That's our plan.
  • DS is 5. DH and I are both comfortable with changing in front of him, being seen nude, and using the bathroom openly. We don't walk around nude for no reason but wouldn't cover up just to walk through the house to get something. He's never said anything about it. I pump on the couch with my shirt off also. We are not very modest people in general though. I think if any parties express discomfort with the nudity it's time to respect each other and cover up. That's our plan.

    This is us too. We don't purposely walk around naked but if any of our kids see us we don't think it's a big deal at this point. My 5 yr old know boys and girls have different parts. He knows he's like daddy and his sister is like me. Personally this is where I sneak on little teaching moments...like we talk about how it's ok to change in front if your family but that going to the bathroom and getting dressed/undressed is private and we don't do that in front of everybody.

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  • DD is my first so no experience with older kids, but I think we'll probably be similar to my parents. 

    My dad isn't the type to walk around naked but growing up if we walked into his bedroom when he was changing or in the bathroom while he was showering he wouldn't get weird or cover up. When we started asking questions he started locking the door. I think H will probably be similar with DD. 

    My mom is quite comfortable with nudity and I'll still occasionally poke my head into the bathroom while she's in the bath or walk into her bedroom while she's changing, and she doesn't mind (this stopped with my brother when he was young, but I'm guessing it was more directed by him because she didn't start locking the door or anything). I'll probably handle it similarly to her. Although, I'm not sure I have the same level of comfort with nudity so I may be slightly more modest without making it into a big deal or body-shaming
  • I stopped showering with/letting my son be in the room with me changing when he turned 5. I just felt like it was time for me. That being said I do nurse openly (no cover) around him and it's nbd. We talk about the fact that boys and girls have different parts and he gets it.

    He doesn't care if/when I see him naked so I won't worry about that until he decides he needs privacy.
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